
How Many MediaTomb Processes?

  • netvizier

    netvizier - 2008-01-13


    I just installed MediaTomb, and I'm concerned that something is configured incorrectly because a "ps -aef" reveals 9 MediaTomb processes:

    $ ps -aef|grep mediatomb
    root       805     1  0 07:56 ?        00:00:00 /opt/mediatomb/bin/mediatomb --daemon --home /var/mediatomb --config /var/mediatomb/.mediatomb/config.xml --pidfile /var/mediatomb/ --logfile /var/mediatomb/mediatomb.log
    root       806   805  0 07:56 ?        00:00:00 /opt/mediatomb/bin/mediatomb --daemon --home /var/mediatomb --config /var/mediatomb/.mediatomb/config.xml --pidfile /var/mediatomb/ --logfile /var/mediatomb/mediatomb.log
    root       811   806  0 07:56 ?        00:06:31 /opt/mediatomb/bin/mediatomb --daemon --home /var/mediatomb --config /var/mediatomb/.mediatomb/config.xml --pidfile /var/mediatomb/ --logfile /var/mediatomb/mediatomb.log
    root       812   806  0 07:56 ?        00:00:00 /opt/mediatomb/bin/mediatomb --daemon --home /var/mediatomb --config /var/mediatomb/.mediatomb/config.xml --pidfile /var/mediatomb/ --logfile /var/mediatomb/mediatomb.log
    root       814   806  0 07:56 ?        00:00:00 /opt/mediatomb/bin/mediatomb --daemon --home /var/mediatomb --config /var/mediatomb/.mediatomb/config.xml --pidfile /var/mediatomb/ --logfile /var/mediatomb/mediatomb.log
    root       816   806  0 07:56 ?        00:00:00 /opt/mediatomb/bin/mediatomb --daemon --home /var/mediatomb --config /var/mediatomb/.mediatomb/config.xml --pidfile /var/mediatomb/ --logfile /var/mediatomb/mediatomb.log
    root       818   806  0 07:56 ?        00:00:00 /opt/mediatomb/bin/mediatomb --daemon --home /var/mediatomb --config /var/mediatomb/.mediatomb/config.xml --pidfile /var/mediatomb/ --logfile /var/mediatomb/mediatomb.log
    root       819   806  0 07:56 ?        00:01:45 /opt/mediatomb/bin/mediatomb --daemon --home /var/mediatomb --config /var/mediatomb/.mediatomb/config.xml --pidfile /var/mediatomb/ --logfile /var/mediatomb/mediatomb.log
    root      2380   806  0 23:35 ?        00:00:00 /opt/mediatomb/bin/mediatomb --daemon --home /var/mediatomb --config /var/mediatomb/.mediatomb/config.xml --pidfile /var/mediatomb/ --logfile /var/mediatomb/mediatomb.log

    Is this normal?



    • mechgt

      mechgt - 2008-01-13

      Mine says:
      user@computer:~$ ps -aef | grep mediatomb
      user     6841     1  0 Jan06 ?        00:03:03 mediatomb -d
      user    10312 10295  0 08:40 pts/0    00:00:00 grep mediatomb

      I last used 'killall mediatomb' & 'mediatomb -d' to restart mediatomb (I was updating the import.js script), so this isn't the result of any sort of 'autostart' or anything.

    • netvizier

      netvizier - 2008-01-13

      Thanks for the input Mechgt.  As per your ps results, I should only have 1 mediatomb process.

      Any ideas on how I can troubleshoot why I have 9 mediatomb processes when I should only have 1?



    • Jin

      Jin - 2008-01-13

      What system do you have?

      On some embedded systems/some architectures threads are displayed as processes and will appear in the "ps" list, this is normal. You will notice that if you kill the main process (i.e. press ctrl-c int he shell where MediaTomb is running) all other processes will also disappear.

    • netvizier

      netvizier - 2008-01-13

      Well, I'm running it on a hacked Western Digital MyBook World Edition NAS drive.  It runs linux, and there are some pretty good instructions on how to get mediatomb installed and configured.  I followed them, discovered some minor problems, and overcame them.  Now everything works fine, but it is very slow.  I'm using this to stream music to my PS3, and the music drops out frequently, so in investigating how to solve this problem I discovered that I have 9 mediatomb processes (even after a reboot).

      Any ideas or insight would be very much appreciated!

      Thank you,


    • Jin

      Jin - 2008-01-13

      OK, that explains the 9 processes - that's absolutely normal on such system, threads are simply displayed as processes.

      I wonder why you are experiencing dropouts, I do not know more about the WD unit but we run on a number of embedded devices and people have not reported such problems.

      Btw, you also said that you solved a couple of other issues, could you give me more details on that?

      Currently I am working on packages for various NAS units, I also want to write some sort of an easy to use installer and provide preconfigured solutions for the different devices.

      If you have some time, please drop by in our IRC channel for a chat :>

      Kind regards,

    • Pascal Pochol

      Pascal Pochol - 2008-01-13


      >Currently I am working on packages for various NAS units

      This wouldn't include FreeNAS by any chance? That would just terrific!


    • Jin

      Jin - 2008-01-13

      I was thinking about various NAS devices like the WD MyBook, Storex NAS, the Promise device, etc.

      I'll have to look at FreeNAS, however since it's an open project it'd be easier if the FreeNAS devs would do the necessary customizations as they have much more knowledge about their distribution.

      • Pascal Pochol

        Pascal Pochol - 2008-02-06


        I just found out that in late December FreeNAS replaced uShare with Mediatomb :-)

        extracted from

        FreeNAS 0.686.1:

        Majors changes:
        - Upgrade Samba to 3.0.28.
        - Add attributes 'Guest account' and 'Null passwords' to 'Samba: Settings' advanced section in WebGUI.
        - Enhance WebGUI + rc-script to define additional group memberships for user accounts.
        - Replace uShare UPnP Mediaserver with MediaTomb 0.10.0. This has been done because ushare's latest version
          fails to build on FreeBSD, also new version requires external libs for DLNA support which is not ported
          to FreeBSD right at the moment.
          You have to reconfigure the UPnP service to get working properly. XBox 360 is not supported, sorry.



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