
Database disappears on restart

  • cegueira

    cegueira - 2015-03-01

    I had a working setup on a Raspberry Pi but recently upgraded to an Olimex LIME2 running Debian.

    I have a USB HDD hooked up with my media files on it. If I create the database it is fine until I reboot then it disappears. This occurs whether I use Inotify or Timed as the scan mode.

    Is there anything I can do to try and resolve this problem?

  • cegueira

    cegueira - 2015-03-05

    I have managed to fix the issue.

    In "/etc/rc2.d/" I renamed 'S04mediatomb' to 's04mediatomb'.

    I then added the following to "/etc/rc.local" before 'exit 0'
    sleep 10
    /etc/init.d/mediatomb start

    I used the sleep command to give the USB HDD 10 seconds to load up before mediatomb starts.


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