
The accounts

  • Chris

    Chris - 2007-10-09


    I enabled the accounts in config.xml, as the following:

        <ui enabled="yes">
          <accounts enabled="yes" session-timeout="30"/>
            <account user="nil" password="nil"/>

    But when I access the web page, and fill in the user and password fields with "nil" and "nil", it popped a dialog said "Invalid username or password".

    Is there anything wrong with my configuration? or....? What's wrong?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    • Chris

      Chris - 2007-10-09

      And I changed the configuration as:

          <ui enabled="yes">
            <accounts enabled="yes" session-timeout="30">
              <account user="nil" password="nil"/>

      The problem still exists.
      The version is 0.10.0

      • Brian S. Julin

        Brian S. Julin - 2007-11-22

        Really the distributed config file should explode
        the accounts xml tag and not leave it compact.  Not
        everyone knows XML.

        And plopping a commented-out account tag in there
        would help people get it right the first time.

    • Jin

      Jin - 2007-10-10


      I will have to take a look, can't say anything right now. I'll get back to you later today.

      Kind regards,

    • mwthrane

      mwthrane - 2007-10-10

      Got the exact same problem.

      And its really a problem cause ppl can then access my server from outside my network. (i think :o)

    • Jin

      Jin - 2007-10-10

      mwthrane: please, do not do that :) The account/password feature in the web UI is good enough to keep your 10 year old kids away from pr0n, but will not stand a serious attack; further, we do not guarantee that we can not be crashed or exploited using bad URL requests, so as stated in the documentation - do not open the MT port/run MT on the external interface.

      Now, about accounts:
          <ui enabled="yes">
            <accounts enabled="yes" session-timeout="30">
              <account user="jin" password="test"/>

      This works for me with the latest SVN version, could you please retest that in the latest code?

    • mwthrane

      mwthrane - 2007-10-11

      Set up firewall to block connections form wan :)

      It works!

      I had it done like this:

      <ui enabled="yes">
      <accounts enabled="yes" session-timeout="30"/>
      <account user="jin" password="test"/>

      Thank you :)

    • Jin

      Jin - 2007-11-22

      We indeed plan to add more commented out sections to make it easier to edit stuff without having to refer to the documentation each time.

      We also want to provide a configuration possibility via the UI, but that's still something for the future.


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