Javier - 2016-04-08

Hi there, hope someone has found a solution for this issue. I have configured great mediatomb on my satellite receiver to use the box also to stream certains video feeds across rooms at home. An example that reproduces the problem is the ISS stream available here

The issue is as follows. My LG TV shows the video nicely (well, complains about audio format but havent investigated that yet, so ignore by now). My Samsung TV says format not valid. I found in the forum the workaround of adding |COMPONENT=HLS like in

With that addition, the Samsung TV is happy and shows the video (also complains on the audio) but the LG doesnt recognize the format and now it is that one the format not valid one.

Fixed the issue with two links, but it is quick and ugly. Any thread to follow please to get a single link for both TV sets?

thanks in advance.