
Change language output with Delphi

  • Nico83500

    Nico83500 - 2016-05-18

    I use MediaInfo DLL without problem on Delphi but I would like to change language output so I use "MediaInfo_Option(Handle,'Language', 'fr');" but it doesn't work, output is still in English.
    How can I use it ?
    Thank you !

  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2016-05-19

    Language files are not directly included in the library in order to keep the binary size light.
    You need to store yourself the language file (e.g. fr language file), load it and send its content to MediaInfo.

    MediaInfo::Option("Language", x);, with x being the content of the language file.

    • dqy

      dqy - 2022-11-11

      “ load it and send its content to MediaInfo.”

      Can you give an example of the code implementation? lazarus/fpc or Delphi.

      • Jerome Martinez

        Jerome Martinez - 2022-11-11

        It is very similar...

        MediaInfo_Option(CurHandle, 'Language', x);

  • Nico83500

    Nico83500 - 2016-05-19

    Thank you it works perfectly !


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