
MI from batch for Torrents

  • DrNice123

    DrNice123 - 2016-03-18

    Here is what I need:
    I need MediaInfo to run when a torrent is finished. No problem with "run external program when torrent finishes" or whatever its called in various programms.

    So, I wanted to write a batch file for MI CLI.
    Unfortunally I came up empty.
    I will combine it with an existing batch

    So here is what i need basically
    If a torrent finishes, it should first run this cmd (which actually works)
    for /F "Tokens=" %%i in ('Dir /B .mp4') do md "%%~ni"|copy "%%i" "%%~ni"
    (for every mp4 file a new folder is created based on the mp4´s file name, then the file is copied to the new folder)
    Now i want MI to get in action. It should analyze that file in the very new folder, create a log file and save it to the path according to the filename.

    So, can somebobdy help me please?

  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2016-03-18

    I don't understand what is the issue with e.g. MediaInfo %%i (where %%i is the file name of the file you want to analyze).

    • DrNice123

      DrNice123 - 2016-03-18

      What would you suggest the batch file looks like?

      • Jerome Martinez

        Jerome Martinez - 2016-03-18

        for the batch?
        "MediaInfo %1" (with %1 the file name to analysis)

        I suggesst that you explain what is the problem with "MediaInfo %1" in a batch and/or more explaination about what you want as output.

  • DrNice123

    DrNice123 - 2016-03-19

    I need a batch file that adresses MediaInfo to output my custom template via "doubleclick".
    I dont want to start the mediainfo.exe myself.
    if I have a batch with
    "MediaInfo %1"
    nothing happens after doubleclicking

    • Jerome Martinez

      Jerome Martinez - 2016-03-25

      "MediaInfo %1"
      nothing happens after doubleclicking

      It will open the file %1 (so in a batch, the first argument), for CLI and GUI.

      output my custom template

      With CLI, something like :
      mediainfo --Output=file://%1
      or something like that.
      This is not a MediaInfo issue, just knowing how batchs work.

      For GUI, setting the template at the command line is not yet available, please add a feature request.

      Again, please be more explicit about the issue with MediaInfo (I don't provide any support about how to deal with batch, it is a question for the provider of your OS).

  • Jacky67

    Jacky67 - 2016-03-25

    I think that "%1" is when you drag and drop a movie file onto the batch file.


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