
"Seconds" Information Missing.

  • john55

    john55 - 2017-03-30

    Hi, I just noted that for media files with a lenght larger than "1" hour, seconds aren't not displayed. Is that right?


  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2017-03-30

    This is wanted, as info about the count of seconds in a 1+ hour movie is not really useful.
    In advanced mode, there are more lines about duration, in case you want to define your own template.
    In the future, it is planned to have the possibility to choose which line to display, e.g. with seconds or with seconds and milliseconds.

  • john55

    john55 - 2017-03-30

    OK, thanks for the information.

  • Mark Bernard

    Mark Bernard - 2017-06-25

    Displaying seconds for media over 1 hour can certainly be useful. I have always wished MediaInfo had this capability.

    I find myself often remuxing video and audio from two sources. Getting the exact media length of each source is a first step to ensuring that both sources are of the same cut, and so will be in sync. Whether the length of the media is over 1 hour or not is completely irrelevant to my needs.

    I'm so happy to hear this feature is coming, and that there are workarounds for now.

    • Jerome Martinez

      Jerome Martinez - 2017-06-25

      Getting the exact media length of each source is a first step to ensuring that both sources are of the same cut

      In that case, seconds are not useful, you need milliseconds in order to be sure you lose no frame, right?

      I'm so happy to hear this feature is coming, and that there are workarounds for now.

      For the moment, the "advanced mode" option ("debug" menu) contains the duration with different formats, milliseconds included, usable with the template engine, but definitely not easy to use, no ETA for the moment for this feature.


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