
#1024 Inconsistant time results on Linux


[root@zirconium /]# cat /etc/redhat-release
OS: CentOS Linux relase 7.2.1511

[root@zirconium /]# uname -a:
Linux zirconium.local 3.10.0-327.36.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Oct 10 23:08:37 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64

[root@zirconium /]# cd /home/data/video720/

[root@zirconium video720]# mediainfo --Inform="General;%Duration%" TFOO-0004-013.ts

[root@zirconium video720]# cd

[root@zirconium ~]# mediainfo --Inform="General;%Duration%" /home/data/video720/TFOO-0004-013.ts

So, passing command on the actual directory gives duration of 1492899.500000 while calling the command outside with full path gives 1592814.000000 !!!

[root@zirconium ~]# du /home/data/video720/TFOO-0004-013.ts
2956500 /home/data/video720/TFOO-0004-013.ts

[root@zirconium ~]# cd /home/data/video720/

[root@zirconium video720]# du TFOO-0004-013.ts
2956500 TFOO-0004-013.ts

[root@zirconium video720]# rpm -qa |grep mediainfo


  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2016-11-28

    We can not reproduce the issue.
    Do you have other files in the directory (sometimes MediaInfo finds a pattern in the list of files in the directory)?
    Can you share (publicly or privately) the file?

    Please test also with latest version (we provide RPM) even if I don't think it changes something here, it is always better to be sure we are testing the same version.

  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2016-11-28
    • status: open --> pending-works-for-me
    • assigned_to: Jerome Martinez
  • Richard

    Richard - 2019-06-20

    Now in 2019 I can reproduce this problem (I have 00000.MTS to 00663.MTS in one dir).
    when I ask:
    cd /correct_dir/
    mediainfo 00000.MTS evertything OK
    when I ask
    mediainfo /correct_dir/00000.MTS now wrong info

    When I give the complete path, mediainfo gives the results from the LAST file in this directory.
    in my case from file 00663.MTS
    - now I rename 00663.MTS to 00663b.MTS
    mediainfo /correct_dir/00000.MTS now wrong info NOW I get the info from file 00662.MTS
    - now I rename 00662.MTS to 00662b.MTS
    mediainfo /correct_dir/00000.MTS now wrong info NOW I get the info from file 00661.MTS

    So everytime when I give the full path I get the info from the last file
    ONLY BY MTS files, for mkv and mp4 everything works as expected.

    • Jerome Martinez

      Jerome Martinez - 2019-06-20

      with a bunch of files with file names in a sequential order, this is due to a feature for concataining duration, as it is the case in some scenarios used by our sponsors.

      For disabling the feature, add " --File_TestContinuousFileNames=0" to the command line.


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