



  • Not all of my Movies/TV Shows/Episodes are listed in MC

1. Usually this means that the cache needs to be rebuilt in MC. During this process MC will clear its database & repopulate it from each nfo associated to a movie or TV Show listed in the folders section.

For Movies see Rebuild Movies

For TV Shows see Rebuild TV Shows

2. Another possibility is that on the initial scrape an invalid nfo was created. This will mean MC will think that the show has been scraped but it will not find the movie name, series or episode information it needs to list it correctly. In this case, simply delete the nfo file & perform the search again for New Movies or New Episodes as appropriate.

  • I want to move a folder containing my Movies or TVShows & update MC to reflect this change

Remove the old folder from the MC folders list

Add the new folder to the list

Rebuild TV Shows

MC will remove any entries pointing to the old folder & import the nfo files from the new folder.


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