


Command Line Utilty - mc_com.exe

The app needs to be run from your main Media Companion folder since it needs some of the same libraries to function. If Renaming of TV Episodes or Movies is set in Media Companion, mc_com.exe will also rename upon finding new files.


-m (search for new movies) -e (search for new episodes) -ex (scan and download missing episode thumbnails) -p (set the profile to use) -v (no console window, Output to mc_com.log file) -x (create a list of movie info ie. HTML, XML, or CSV) -d (shows trailer download progress to console. Ignored if -v specified) mc_com.exe [-m] [-e] [-v] [-p "ProfileName"] [-x "templatename" "outputpath"]


mc_com.exe -m Will search for and scrape new movies - default profile mcScan2.jpg

mc_com.exe -e Will search for and scrape new episodes - default profile mcScan1.jpg

mc_com.exe -ex Will search for and download an missing episode Thumbnails - default profile mcScan3.jpg

mc_com.exe -m -e -v Searches for new Movies and Episodes, with no console window. Screen output redirected to mc_com.log file.

mc_com.exe -m -p "my movies" Will search for and scrape new movies using the "my movies" profile (The quotes (") are not needed unless their is a space in the profile name)

mc_com.exe -m -x "basic movie list" "c:\movielist\list.html" Will search for new movies and then output a list using the named template to the named path, again, the template and path only need quotes if their are spaces in the name or path. Ensure the template name provided matches the title within the template text file (not necessarily the template filename!)

Batch File usage

mc_com.exe will exit with the following ERRORLEVEL

  • ErrorLevel = 0 Nothing scraped
  • ErrorLevel = 1 Error
  • ErrorLevel = 2 Movie(s) Scraped
  • ErrorLevel = 4 Episode(s) Scraped
  • ErrorLevel = 6 Movie(s) and Episode(s) scraped (using -m & -e)


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