
#450 Refresh this Show from .nfo - recreates (WRITES) to all the NFO files!


RE: Ticket #396 Refresh this Show from .nfo - recreates (WRITES) to all the NFO files!

  1. The show already had episodes 1-4 marked as watched
  2. I marked episode 5 as watched
  3. I then marked season as watched
  4. ALL .NFO files rewritten (before & After attached)

Step 2 Info contains:
<uniqueid type="tvdb">9980616</uniqueid>

At Step for it contains:
<uniqueid type="tvdb" default="true">9980616</uniqueid>

So there is a consistency bug a with how "default="true"" is marked in different places. If you are indeed correct that the nfo shouldn't be updated if it hasn't changed then that and possibly simmilar bugs may be the cause for the nfo changing when it shouldn't.

1 Attachments


  • Rob

    Rob - 2023-10-31

    The change you are seeing in regards to Uniqueid is a fix to the nfo.
    There is a check in place that if this needs to be fixed to the correct format, where default="true" is required, then yes, any affected nfo's will indeed be rewritten.
    But this is a one time fix.

    In regards to marking an episode as watched, then yes, the episode nfo is rewritten to increase the playcount tag to equal 1, or if changing to unwatched this tag is written to equal 0 (zero)
    Marking a whole season as watched or unwatched will write to all of the selected season's episode nfo's.

    it may have been the case of episodes 1 to 4 were writted by a different version of Media Companion? or other media manager. But this is a guess.

    I just scraped this show with MC 3.763, copied the nfo's to a temp folder, then changed some episodes to watched.
    The only difference was after set to watched is playcount

        <director>Jesse Warn</director>
        <credits>Arika Lisanne Mittman</credits>
            <rating name="tvdb" max="10" default="true">
        <uniqueid type="imdb">tt27350094</uniqueid>
        <uniqueid type="tvdb" default="true">9952709</uniqueid>
        <director>Jesse Warn</director>
        <credits>Arika Lisanne Mittman</credits>
            <rating name="tvdb" max="10" default="true">
        <uniqueid type="imdb">tt27350094</uniqueid>
        <uniqueid type="tvdb" default="true">9952709</uniqueid>

    Note the uniqueid format

    • dbareis

      dbareis - 2023-11-02


      I'd just like to check that you understand that the two different versions of "Uniqueid" were written by the same program version (and program instance) within seconds of each other. If it was required on the last update then it was required but not updated the time a few seconds earlier.

      I will look for other (probably similar) bugs next time.

  • Rob

    Rob - 2023-11-02

    ok, didn't realize that. Can you give step by step to produce each variation.

  • Rob

    Rob - 2024-03-29
    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Rob
  • Rob

    Rob - 2024-03-29

    No further Information supplied. Closing ticket.


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