
#271 Filter TV titles by text (same as movies)

search (1)

I'd like to be able to filter by text the way movies work or at least search for an populate the list from the search results.


  • Rob

    Rob - 2020-03-13

    Are you talking tv series titles? You can just start typing the first letter of the series to jump to that part of the list of series. EG select a series, press t and the list jumps to first series starting with t

    No plans to add a search as its all alphabetical. Searching for a specific episode is pretty redundant also as Users can see by episode number or title of episode.

  • dbareis

    dbareis - 2020-03-13

    I do use the letter to get there but like most things in MC that normally causes a lengthy refresh. Somethings the show might start with "the", or not scrapped as expected. Options to sort the TV series by updates or created time would probably work better.

    If not sorting: Maybe an "updated/created today" radio button would solve a lot of these issues. A "recent" (7 days?) one might also be nice.

    In a filter" I would want a "contains" search, not a "starts with". I've just tried movies and it is a "contains" (BUG: sometimes doen't work for no obvious reason before pressing "reset filters" even though no filters applied). Sometimes you only have a vague recollection of some of the title.


    Last edit: dbareis 2020-03-13
  • Rob

    Rob - 2020-03-14

    Way easier to set up a search in Movies as we use a Database. For TV, we don't, all info is loaded into a Treeview, so filtering is much more difficult.

    As for a radio button to show updated/created today or recent (7) days, currently we do not store a created date for series or episodes.
    It might be possible to try some sorting using the aired date.....Think its time to change the TV Filters to s dropbox like Movies.
    Will see what can be done.

  • Rob

    Rob - 2020-04-11

    BTW, this is not a ticket, but a feature request. Please post up requests for new features under Discussions - Feature Requests

    But, this has been fulfilled. New search box in TV Section will be available in the next release.

  • Rob

    Rob - 2020-04-11
    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Rob

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