
Movies scraping taking a long time

  • Lucas Hicks

    Lucas Hicks - 2017-11-22

    Is it just me? But since the latest update scraping movies is taking quite some time. And the last six I scraped, using the latest version, wouldn't come up with any fanart?

  • Lucas Hicks

    Lucas Hicks - 2017-11-22

    Some posters aren't coming in as well. Although I can manually get these from the poster tab. It's like it's timing out. And on the fanart tab it shows some downloading, then nothing.

  • Rob

    Rob - 2017-11-22

    Hi Lucas

    I assume TMDB scraping?
    Have checked with two new movies, and both scraped within 10 seconds. All artwork scraped as well.

  • Lucas Hicks

    Lucas Hicks - 2017-11-22

    It was taking minutes to scrape each movie and still wasn't getting posters/fanart. Two days straight, I'll check again tonight and post again. Internet speed was good though, I did check that.

  • Lucas Hicks

    Lucas Hicks - 2017-11-22

    Nope Still taking forever. I also notice that when I moved my settings folder out. Did a clean install and moved it back in that it had forgotten my naming convention and scraping folder. Is that normal?

  • Lucas Hicks

    Lucas Hicks - 2017-11-22

    After it doesn't dowload the fanart, although MC says it did, I choose to manually download. This is the result.

  • Rob

    Rob - 2017-11-23

    I have seen this before myself, but was not able to reproduce it.
    I suspect it was an issue with Internet Caching.

    What location is Media Companion extracted to?
    Also, have you tried rebooting your router/modem? Cause I have had that block me from accessing some sites before. (but that is a big guess).

    And, have you tried clearing the cache in Media Companion?
    Tools -> Empty Cache & Series folders -> Clean Cache Only.

  • Lucas Hicks

    Lucas Hicks - 2017-11-27

    I decided to rescrape again today and all is well. I honestly have no idea why. I tried everything you said before the holiday here and nothing helped. Since then I did a driver update and have played around but couldn't tell you what happened. I'll try to catch this again if it happens.

    Thanks for your time it is appreciated.

  • Rob

    Rob - 2017-11-27

    No problem. I figure it may not be anything you did at all, but a Caching or Internet issue on the Internet.
    I've had scraping a movie take 5 minutes a couple of times, but usually its about 10~20 seconds per movie.


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