
Mechanical ID - Password Generator / News: Recent posts

Incredible Mark:30000 passwords/sec (Linux)

The Linux version of Mechanical ID broke a record. Testing in a AMD 2.1Ghz 256Mb RAM machine with RedHat 9, we got more than 30000 passwords per second writing to file. Just incredible!

Posted by Renato Preti 2003-08-07

Linux version released (finally)

Its a pleasure release Mechanical ID for Linux. Now we have a great software with a great OS.

Posted by Renato Preti 2003-08-07

Performance Test - 4000p/sec!!!

In a test with a Athlon 2.1Ghz with 256Mb ram, Mechanical ID generate the incredible mark of 4000 passwords per second writing to a file. Each password has 10 digits and includes numbers, chars and special chars.

The test was made under a NT4 machine that was running in background VC++, Gel, Blazix, Outlook and Windows explorer.

Posted by Renato Preti 2003-07-23

Mechanical ID - Java Version

A version of Mechanical ID totally developed will be available for download soon.

Posted by Renato Preti 2003-03-14

Performance Test - 2000p/s

In a test with a K6-500 with 64Mb ram, Mechanical ID generate 2000 password per second writing to a file. Each password has 10 digits and includes numbers, chars and special chars.

The test was made under a NT4 machine that was running in background VC++ and Windows explorer.

Posted by Renato Preti 2002-08-09

Version 0.7.5 published

The beta version 0.7.5 is avaiable in our web site. You can download the source code at

Posted by Renato Preti 2001-05-09