
#92 mdb-export: UTF-8 characters doesn't export properly


mdb-export didn't get UTF-8 properly from exported tables... smart
quotes, alpha, and beta symbols, among others weren't retained. Please
let me know if you'd like the database file.

(worked awesome otherwise though, thanks!)


  • prom

    prom - 2008-06-05

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I worked the whole day to solve this issue, as I plan to use mdb-tools in my project. I finally nailed down the problem source, which is a configuration issue (well, mostly). I compiled and installed libiconv 1-12 (which actually reports itself as 1-11). After that I compiled the mdbtools-cvs as
    LIBS='-liconv' ./autogen --prefix=/usr --with-unixodbc=/usr --with-libiconv-dir=/usr && make && make install

    The LIBS is necessary otherwise the configure script crashes on libiconv_open() not defined etc. which is an issue of iconv team, as I learnd from other posts.

    Also I have a default install directory usr, so that's why such prefix.

    Now, that was close, but still. I was playing a bit with src/iconv.c code file, but in vain. I realized even though compiled in, still not used by the actuall program run. Somehow, despite HAVE_ICONV in config.h defined as 1 (which is true I assume), the pre-compiler omitted HAVE_ICONV parts in files. I tried to figure out, but as I never did any coding in C and have no clue about autogen or libtool, I gave up and simply removed parts which precompiler was to decide.

    To sum up: put grep "HAVE_ICONV" * -r into you terminal in cvs checkout root and remove corresponding parts from those *.c files. There are only a couple - guess iconv.c, file.c and mdbtools.h. Then re-compile and hurrra


  • Mintaka

    Mintaka - 2008-12-13

    I discovered that problems with UTF-8 support started between date
    2007_03_06 2007_03_07

    The problem for me was sloved when i put:
    #include <config.h>
    in the file mdbtools.h


    diff -r mdbtools_2007_03_06/include/mdbtools.h mdbtools_2007_03_07/include/mdbto
    < #include <config.h>


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