
ChangeLog - MComix 0.98

This release fixes some minor, but annoying bugs, adds a watchlist to the library, and greatly improves overall performance for viewing large directories of images. A list of all changes follows below.

- Fixed a bug that occasionally caused MComix to display wrong images
after deleting an image from a directory.

- Fixed a bug that caused MComix to jump back up after scrolling down when
an archive was still being loaded.

- Fixed NumLock being enabled breaking other keybindings containing
Shift, Alt or Ctrl (e.g. smart scrolling with space).

- The last-read-page module now falls back to pysqlite2 if sqlite3 isn't

- The library can now scan directories for new files every time it is
started, and automatically add new books. Watched directories can be
edited with the "Watch list" button in the library main window.

- Added "Date added" to library sort criteriae. This might be slightly
inaccurate for older library entries, as only the day, not the time of
the moment a book was added used to be stored in the library database.

- Improved performance for library book area and thumbnail side bar by
only loading thumbnails when they become visible, e.g. triggered by the
user scrolling around. The "Delay thumbnail generation" option has thus
been removed.

- Greatly improved performance for browsing directories with many images.

- Updated Japanese translation (by Toshiharu Kudoh).

- Updated French translation (by Frédéric Chateaux).

Posted by Oddegamra 2012-04-09

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