
MC4J 1.0 Released (JMX Management)

The MC4J project has released a NetBeans module version of its JMX Management GUI software. This software allows for remote connections to JMX servers and provides the ability to browse existing managed beans (MBeans) and execute operations on them. It currently supports connecting to the MC4J project JRMP connector and Bea WebLogic's application server. Further connectors to JBoss, the JMX reference implementation and others are in the works.

Current Features:
* Tree view of MBeans, their attributes and operations
* Connections to multiple servers
* Descriptor information for Mbeans, attributes and operations
* Running graphs of numeric MBean attributes
* The ability to execute operations on MBeans
* The ability to set attribute values of many common types

Posted by Greg Hinkle 2002-08-26

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