
#123 ObjectName input control (design and impl) is broken

MC4J 1.2b9
Attributes (3)
Jess Holle

While it is heartening to see MC4J attempting to
provide a reasonable input control for specifying
ObjectName's, the current control has number of serious

First, the current implementation simply does not set
the field value to that selected in the browse dialog.
This is presumably a silly implementation bug.

Worse, however, the design of the current control
neglects several critical use cases / requirements:
* One must be able to specify ObjectName's which are
not currently registered.
* One must be able to specify ObjectName patterns.
* One must be able to specify null ObjectName's (to
set the attribute to "unspecified" from a user

Inability to handle any of these cases makes MC4J
incapable of handling a substantial portion of MBeans
with ObjectName attributes and/or operation parameters.

Additionally, I'd like to point out that:
* The *ability* to edit the ObjectName as a String is
still a good thing for making quick small changes,
using copy/paste, etc.
* It would be really nice to be able to drag an MBean
from the tree and drop it on this control to specify
the ObjectName.
* An unsorted list of all registered ObjectNames is
all but useless for selecting an ObjectName. Search
and/or tree views are needed.


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