
#25 OpenGL 3D Plotting Support

plotting (10)
Sean Lake

It is probably premature to discuss this matter, but I figure it's worth
mentioning early - before too much work on it is done. Specifically, I
felt it worth mentioning Dynagraph
( ).
It is capable of plotting multiple 3-D functions in the same graph - a
feature I found useful on at least one occasion - and the output can
be manipulated using the gui much more rapidly than Maple graphs
on my machine. Dynagraph accomplishes this using OpenGL. That,
I feel, is the factor critical to it's good performance. Whether the
Maxima team decides to build off Dynagraph, support plotting to
Dynagraph, or make their own OpenGL based plotting system, I'll be
satisfied. It just seems that OpenGL is the best way to facilitate the
manipulation of 3D objects rapidly and with good quality.


  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2022-09-24
    • labels: --> plotting
    • Group: -->
  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2022-09-24

    Dynagraph (, link stated above is no longer working) appears to be a dormant project (no development since 2013). Given that, I don't think it's reasonable to consider Maxima support for it. Sean, in case you are still reading emails at this address, thanks for bringing it up, I appreciate your interest in Maxima.


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