
#734 term-substitution in function sum is too late

Lisp Core (457)

(%i1) "Lower Riemann-Sum, Intervall [0,1], 10 parts"$
(%i2) /*Function*/ f(x):=x^2$
(%i3) /*area width*/ b: 1/10$
(%i4) /*area depending on k=0,...,9*/ Ak: b*f(k*b)$
(%i5) Ak;
(%o5) ----
(%i6) /* wrong */ sum(Ak,k,0,9);
(%o6) ---
obviously, we first have the summation and then the
(%i7) sum(''Ak,k,0,9);
(%o7) ---

finally, this is ok, but the usage of the double-quote
is hard to explain to beginners.

it gets even worse, if you use a function
A(k):=k*f(k*b)$ for a sum with n partitions:
(%i8) "Lower Riemann-Sum, Intervall [0,1], n parts"$
(%i9) /*area width*/ b:1/n$
(%i10) /*area depending on k=0,...,n-1*/ A(k):=k*f(k*b)$
(%i11) A(k);
(%o11) --
(%i12) sum(A(k),k,0,n-1);
n - 1
\ (%o12) > A(k)
k = 0

in that case you need ''(A(k)), a bracket and the

is it possible to patch the sum-function in that way,
that we first have the term- or symbol-substitution and
second the summation?


  • Barton Willis

    Barton Willis - 2005-05-01

    Logged In: YES

    We've discussed this before; see

    Maybe a simple workaround such as

    if integerp(lo) and integerp(hi) then for i from lo thru
    hi do acc:acc+substitute(i,v,f)
    else acc:funmake('mysum,[f,v,lo,hi]),


    mysum(f,lo,hi):= block([acc:0],
    if integerp(lo) and integerp(hi) then
    for i : lo thru hi do acc : acc + apply(f,[i])
    else acc : funmake('mysum,[f,lo,hi]),

    might work for you,


  • James Amundson

    James Amundson - 2005-05-30
    • labels: 460521 --> Lisp Core
    • milestone: 482214 -->
  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-06-13

    Logged In: YES

    OK, for the record, here is a definition of $sum which
    implements one of the ideas that has been proposed, namely
    this policy: evaluate the summand after binding the
    summation variable to itself.

    (defmspec $sum (l) (setq l (cdr l))
    (if (= (length l) 4)
    (progv (list (cadr l)) (list (cadr l))
    (dosum (meval (car l)) (cadr l) (meval (caddr l))
    (meval (cadddr l)) t))
    (wna-err '$sum)))

    This version yields the results expected by the person who
    originated this bug report, and yields the results predicted
    by S Macrakis in the email referenced below
    and run_testsuite() runs to completion with no errors.

    I'm in favor of making this change, but I'm just recording
    this code snippet here for future reference; no changes
    planned at the moment.

    For comparison here is the current version of $sum:

    (defmspec $sum (l) (setq l (cdr l))
    (if (= (length l) 4)
    (dosum (car l) (cadr l) (meval (caddr l)) (meval
    (cadddr l)) t)
    (wna-err '$sum)))

  • Barton Willis

    Barton Willis - 2005-06-13

    Logged In: YES

    If we decide to use Robert's $sum function, the translate
    property for sum will need to be changed. Consider:

    (1) Redefine $sum as Robert suggested.

    (2) Try this:

    (%i1) ak : k^2$
    (%i2) g(a,n) := sum(a,k,1,n)$
    (%i3) g(ak,5);
    (%o3) 55 <--- correct for Robert's $sum function

    (%i4) translate(g);
    (%o4) [g]
    (%i5) g(ak,5);
    (%o5) 5*k^2 <---- yeech

    There might be other things that need fixing:

    (%i8) properties(sum);
    (%o8) [Special Evaluation Form,OUTATIVE,NOUN,RULE]


  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-06-14

    Logged In: YES

    Actually, after looking at the code some more (specifically
    DOSUM in src/asum.lisp) it looks to me like the intent is
    indeed to evaluate the summand after binding the summation
    index to itself. In addition, there is code to assume the
    index is between its lower and upper limits (although
    assume/forget is handled incorrectly, see 851765). I believe
    that the observed behavior is a bug, in the narrow sense
    that the observed behavior is different from what the code
    author intended. See also my comments on SF bug # 740134.

    Here is a different patch. I like this one better than the
    previous one.

    In DOSUM:

    ;; (mbinding (lind l*i) (meval exp))
    (mbinding (lind l*i) (meval (meval exp)))


    ;; (resimplify (mevalatoms (if (and (not (atom exp))
    (resimplify (meval (if (and (not (atom exp))

    With these changes, the results are as expected for the
    examples cited by the original poster, and also the example
    about the translated function produces the correct result,
    and some examples adapted from another bug report (740134)
    yield correct results.

    ex 1:

    f(x):=x^2$ b: 1/10$ Ak: b*f(k*b)$

    sum(Ak,k,0,9); => 57/200

    ex 2:

    A(k):=k*f(k*b)$ b:1/n$

    A(k) => k^3/n^2

    sum(A(k),k,0,n-1) => ('sum(k^3,k,0,n-1))/n^2

    sum(A(k),k,0,n-1), simpsum => ((n-1)^4 + 2*(n-1)^3 +
    (n-1)^2) / (4*n^2)

    ex 3:

    ak : k^2$ g(a,n) := sum(a,k,1,n)$

    g(ak,5) => 55

    translate (g)$

    g(ak,5) => 55

    some other examples, adapted from bug # 740134:

    ex 4:

    sum (print (i), i, 1, 3) => prints 1, 2, 3 then returns 6

    ex 5:

    sum (integrate (x^i ,x), i, 0, 2) => x^3/3 + x^2/2 + x

    ex 6:

    sum (integrate (1/(x^i + 1), x), i, 0, 1) => log(x+1)
    + x/2

    ex 7:

    f[i](x):=x^i$ g[i](x):=x^i$ h[i](x):=x^i$

    /* reference f[i] and g[i] -- see 740134 for the effect
    this has on previous defn of sum */

    f[i]$ g[i](t)$

    sum (f[i](x), i, 0, n) => 'sum (x^i, i, 0, n)
    sum (g[i](x), i, 0, n) => 'sum (x^i, i, 0, n)
    sum (h[i](x), i, 0, n) => 'sum (x^i, i, 0, n)

    ex 8:

    sum (integrate (x^i, x), i, 0, n) => 'sum (x^(i+1) /
    (i+1), i, 0, n)

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-06-14

    Logged In: YES

    OK, here is another attempt. I think I now understand this
    comment by Stavros in bug report # 740134 -- "First evaluate
    foo with i bound to itself, and check if that result is free
    of i. If so, return the product. If not, *substitute* (don't
    evaluate) i=lowerlimit, i=lowerlimit+1, etc."

    ;; (mbinding (lind l*i) (meval exp))
    ;; (mbinding (lind l*i) (meval (meval exp)))
    ($substitute *i ind (mbinding (lind l*i)
    (meval exp)))

    This version now yields this result --

    ex 9:

    f(x) := sum (x, i, 1, 3);

    f(-x) => -3 x

    as expected, as well as the same results for ex 1 through ex 8.

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-06-15

    Logged In: YES

    I'm attaching a list of test cases for sum, which can be
    executed by batch ("rtestsum.mac", test) . Doubtless there
    will be some discussion as to what the expected output of
    each test should be.

    All tests pass after making these 2 changes:

    ;; (mbinding (lind l*i) (meval exp))
    ;; (mbinding (lind l*i) (meval (meval exp)))
    ($substitute *i ind (mbinding (lind l*i) (meval exp)))

    ;; (resimplify (mevalatoms (if (and (not (atom exp))
    (resimplify (meval (if (and (not (atom exp))

  • Volker van Nek

    Volker van Nek - 2005-06-18

    Logged In: YES

    Dear Maxima-developers,
    thank you for your support.
    I tried the last fix from Robert Dodier and it works.
    Volker van Nek
    original (anonymous) poster

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-06-19

    Logged In: YES

    I'm removing rtestsum.mac, in anticipation of attaching a
    new version in a minute.

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-06-19

    Logged In: YES

    Attaching a longer list of test cases. batch
    ("rtestsum.mac", test); executes the test. As always the
    "correct" results (2nd line in each pair) are subject to review.

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-06-19

    Logged In: YES

    I'm attaching my latest and greatest revision
    (tmp-sum5.lisp) of DOSUM, DO%SUM, and MEVALSUMARGS.

    I find that

    load ("tmp-sum5.lisp");
    batch ("rtestsum.mac", test);

    where rtestsum.mac is the currently attached version, yields
    all tests passed for Maxima 5.9.1cvs built with clisp 2.33.2
    and with gcl 2.6.6.

    This revision uses a gensym index for cases handled by
    MEVALSUMARGS (i.e., cases for which (upper limit) minus
    (lower limit) is not an integer); the gensym index is the
    argument for assume/forget. When upper minus lower is an
    integer, the index is bound to lower, lower+1, lower+2,
    etc., the summand is evaluated, and then lower, lower+1,
    lower+2, etc. is substituted for any remaining instances of

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-06-20

    Logged In: YES

    Removing rtestsum.mac, will upload a new version momentarily.

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-06-20

    Logged In: YES

    New version of rtestsum.mac. Two new test cases, sum (lambda
    ([i], i^2, 1, 3) and sum (lambda ([i], i^2), i, 1, n).

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-06-20

    Logged In: YES

    Yet another revision (attached file tmp-sum6.lisp) of DOSUM
    and friends. This version passes run_testsuite() and batch
    ("rtestsum.mac", test) using the currently attached version
    of rtestsum.mac.

    This version avoids substituting for the index in
    expressions which are free of the index.

    This version also has an alternate definition of the
    function FREE. The simplification code (and other code)
    calls FREE instead of FREEOF. FREEOF looks for dummy
    variables, but FREE does not, so with the original defn of
    FREE, sum (lambda([i], i^2), i, 1, n) does not simplify to n
    lambda ([i], i^2), i, 1, n). I'm not very happy about
    changing FREE since it is called from all over the place,
    but I'm also not very happy about the presence of FREE,
    either; why not call FREEOF ?

    I don't think changing FREE at this point is such a good
    idea; it seems to me the two choices are (1) inspect the
    sum/product simplification code and change FREE to FREEOF
    where possible. That would be a lot of work. (2) Leave FREE
    as it is, and just accept that expressions with dummy
    variables can't be factored out of summations.

    At this point I think I'd rather leave FREE alone, and file
    a separate bug report about the inability to factor out
    expressions with dummy variables, and just leave it for
    another day.

  • Barton Willis

    Barton Willis - 2005-06-20

    Logged In: YES

    Does tmp-sum6.lisp need a ratdisrep somewhere?

    (%i1) load("c:/maxima/tmp-sum6.lisp")$
    (%i2) sum(k,k,1,3);
    (%o2) 6
    (%i3) sum(rat(k),k,1,3);
    Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
    Error in COND [or a callee]: Caught fatal error [memory may
    be damaged]
    Automatically continuing.
    To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.


  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-06-20

    Logged In: YES

    About sum(rat(k),k,1,3), calling $FREEOF instead of FREEOF
    makes it happy again. Oh well. I think I'll just hang onto
    the current rev for a day or two to see what other changes
    accumulate, before posting a new version of tmp-sum*.lisp.

    A related bit -- sum(rat(k), k, 1, n) returns 'sum (k, k, 1,
    n), which isn't exactly wrong, but it does make me wonder
    what happened to the rat... it turns out this is what happened:

    subst (foo, k, rat(k)) => foo

    Not rat(foo) as I would have expected. Dunno what this is about.

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-06-21

    Logged In: YES

    Delete rtestsum.mac, going to upload a new one momentarily.

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-06-21

    Logged In: YES

    New rtestsum.mac. A couple of new tests for sum, and also
    copied all sum tests and substituted product for sum (and
    adjusted expected outputs to suit).

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-06-21

    Logged In: YES

    New DOSUM, etc, in tmp-sum8.lisp. A few new sum tests have
    been added to rtestsum.mac, and all sum tests copied and
    turned into product tests. This revision passes all tests in
    current rtestsum.mac except for test 38:

    (assume(i < 0, j < 0, n > 0), product(product(abs(j) +
    abs(i), i, 1, j), j, 1, n));

    => Lower bound to product is > upper bound.

    This emanates from SIMPROD1 (src/combin.lisp) which is
    called after the assumptions about i and j (actually,
    assumptions about the gensym stand-ins for i and j) have
    been forgotten.

    This looks like a bug in combin.lisp -- there is no
    assume/forget about the indices.

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-06-27

    Logged In: YES

    attempting to remove old version of rtestsum.mac and upload
    new version in the same update... let's see if it works.

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-08-20

    zip file containing sum reimplementation

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-08-20

    Logged In: YES

    attaching a zip file containing unksum-6.lisp,
    tmp-sum13.lisp (two different sum reimplementations),
    rtestsum.mac, and mand.lisp (a reimplementation of
    mcond-related stuff -- needed for the one test which makes
    use of an unevaluated conditional).

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-08-20

    Logged In: YES

    removing old versions of files

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-11-24
    • status: open --> closed
  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2005-11-24

    Logged In: YES

    The reported bug is not present in the current cvs version of

    Thank you for your report. If you see this bug in a later version
    of Maxima, please submit a new bug report.


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