

Agostino Gibaldi
- Overview and credits
- How to install the toolbox
- Stereoscopic Calibration
- Code explanation
- Device Evaluation
- Experimental Suite

Overview and Credits


The implemented software Toolkit for Matlab communication is released by the authors for research purposes only. If you want to acknowledge use of this software when you publish your research, do not thank us, but please cite:

Agostino Gibaldi, Mauricio Vanegas, Peter J. Bex, Guido Maiello. Evaluation of the Tobii EyeX Eye tracking controller and Matlab toolkit for research, Behavior Research Methods, 2016, DOI: 10.3758/s13428-016-0762-9

Matlab Toolbox Overview

The toolbox is conceived for a simple and intuitive usage of the Tobii EyeX Controller in the Matlab environment, and similar controllers from Tobii, like the 4C.

The Tobii EyeX Engine and the Tobii GAZE SDK are also compatible with the following eye trackers: Tobii REX, Tobii X2, Tobii PCEyeGo. The release 3.1 is now working both with the GAZE SDK and with the EYEX SDK, which should be compatible with the , and the new Tobii 4C. If you are going to try or you tried the Matlab Toolbox for EyeX with one of these devices, please let us know.

Working with 3D vision? The release 3.1 has been extended with a full stereoscopic calibration procedure.

The specifics of the toolbox are:

  • Access to eye-gaze coordinates on screen, eye position in space, and timestamp
  • Access to the Matlab Psychotoolbox routines for multiple input modalities including keyboard and mouse
  • Ready-to-use and customizable routine for positioning the subject and calibration
  • Possibility of a standard calibration (two eyes together) or stereoscopic calibration(two separate monocular calibrations)
  • Compatibility with Micorsoft Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Code samples and documentation to get you started quickly
  • Routines for the device evaluation customizable to other devices than EyeX

The Matlab Toolkit consists of four parts:
1) a client UDP (User Datagram Protocol) interface to communicate with the Tobii server,
2) a set of basic connection functions for data transmission and reception,
3) a set of routines for standard use of the device
4) an Experimental Suite including sample code provided to exemplify the usage of the Toolkit in contributed experiments from researchers

The routines for the standard use have been conceived to resemble and extend the functionality provided by the Tobii EyeX Engine. We provide: a routine to correctly position the user with respect to the screen; a routine to calibrate both binocular and monocular gaze position; a routine to check whether the gaze evaluation is reliable throughout the whole screen, given the selected user position, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the calibration procedure. Finally, we provide sample code to set up a simple experiments such as a saccade, smooth pursuit, vergence and fixational eye movements.

The graphical part of the Toolkit has been implemented exploiting the Psychophysics Toolbox Version 3.

Experimental Suite

The Toolkit now includes a repository for sample code to replicate the experiments for:

For a detailed explanation of the experiments look here

Contribute to the Toolbox

If you are willing to share your own code developed for the EyeX and to extend the Toolkit, please contact us. Your code will be added to the Experimental Suite along with the related credits.


V 3.1bis.

The Tollbox has been posrted also in the EYEX SDK, which shoulld be more compatible with the new Tobii 4C.

V 3.1.

The calibration routine has been extended to 3D experiments! The previous version required a monocular calibration for each eye, covering one eye while calibrating the other. The actual version explois the characteristics of a 3D display, to show the target to a single eye, while displaying a uniform background to the other eye.

V 3.0.

A number of connection bugs have been resolved, now data transmission is more stable.

V 2.0.

The Toolkit is now more "fault tolerant". If the connection goes wrong or some connection problems happen while working, the Toolkit tries to reconnect to the device.
Also, we added in a separate .zip file, an Experimental Suite containing sample code to replicate the experiments proposed by researchers, and to exemplify the usage of the device. In order to use it, extract the file within the same folder where the Toolkit is.

V 1.2.

The madifications are the folllowing: 1) We added the necessary code to test accuracy, precision and sampling frequency your own. The procedure is conceived to be easely adapted to other devices. 2) the Toolbox is more and more effective in managing the server directory for the inclusion in the Matlab path, and in creating directories for data saving, 3) we added two images for attentional eye movements, created with a virtual realy simulator.

V 1.1.

Some bugs have been corrected: the Toolbox is more effective in managing the server directory for the inclusion in the Matlab path, 2) we added two Windows dll in the zip, which are sometimes missing (msvcp110d and msvcr110d).

V 1.0.

At the present moment, the Matlab Toolbox for EyeX is at its first version. The basic has been developed for the communication with the Matlab environment and it has been extended with some functionalities deriving from the authors' needs, and it has not been extensively tested. If you find some bugs in the code, please tell us. If you find the toolbox useful, and you develop on the top of it some extended functionalities that you want to share with the Scientific Community, feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to include them in the toolbox.


  • Rasa Bhattarai

    Rasa Bhattarai - 2018-09-12

    Dear all,

    I am doing an experiment related to tobii and I came across this software. However I received an error while running. Also I am new to matlab but I would still like to learn the work flow of the software because it would really help me in my study.
    I have attached the image of what I get during my program run. Please help me fix it. Also, I am unable to understand the workflow of this code. Which files or program shuold be run first ?

  • giorgio li pira

    giorgio li pira - 2021-12-01

    Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to setup the tobii and matlab in order to record the data but I get an error message "Warning: Unsuccessful read: The specified amount of data was not returned within the Timeout period. 'udp' unable to read any data. For more information on possible reasons, see UDP Read Warnings. "
    The eyetracker is the 4C and it works fine by itself but for some reason matlab is unable to find or read the data recorded from tobii. Does some of you encoutered this problem before? If you have any advice on how to solve the problem it would help me a lot.
    I have attached a video of the problem


    • Agostino Gibaldi


      It looks like the server is not able to start. Possible reasons are
      - system compatibility
      - you are using new drivers (our software starts to be out of date, it
      works with the Gaze SDK only, which is no more available for download on
      Tobii wesite)

      Hope it helps

      On Wed, Dec 1, 2021, 14:40 giorgio li pira

      Hi everyone,

      I'm trying to setup the tobii and matlab in order to record the data but I
      get an error message "Warning: Unsuccessful read: The specified amount of
      data was not returned within the Timeout period. 'udp' unable to read any
      data. For more information on possible reasons, see UDP Read Warnings. "
      The eyetracker is the 4C and it works fine by itself but for some reason
      matlab is unable to find or read the data recorded from tobii. Does some of
      you encoutered this problem before? If you have any advice on how to solve
      the problem it would help me a lot.
      I have attached a video of the problem



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