
Right-to-Left display

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hello. I've been using MathCast for a couple of days. I too have the problem of exporting images, but what I wanted to ask about is if there's any way to make RTL text be displayed RTL, because now its all mixed up.

    Thanks a lot,

    • Tom Chekam

      Tom Chekam - 2006-07-08


      I know ther is a small error with the RTL. I think the words get reversed, but the letters remain in order. If that's your problem, try writing the sentence in in reverse order. I'm affraid there is no solution I can offer you at this time.

      As for the image export, try reading what I told some of the other people:
      1. Make sure you are using version 0.86.
      2. Make sure you are in 32bit color mode.
      3. Make sure ther is no other window on top of MathCast and that MathCast's window is not partialy removed from the screen. In other words, make sure the pink box is completely surrounding the equation when copying.


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