
Mathcasting with Amaya or other xhtml editor

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I can't get Mathcast to work with Amaya.
    If I create an xhtml document in Amaya and try to open it with mathcast I get a dialog box that says "There was an error opening the file"
    If I try to open "4 - Mathcasting.xml" in Amaya I get an error "Invalid characters Try the file/force a character coding entry". If I force it to use "Western..." characters I get another error message and it displays:
    Which, by the way is the same thing that I get if I try to open the same file in Mozilla Composer.

    Am I doing something wrong?
    Do you know of any WYSIWYG XHTML editors that are compatible with the mathcasting feature?


    • Tom Chekam

      Tom Chekam - 2005-12-08

      I'm not sure why amaya doesn't open MathCast's files, since the files are mathml 2.0 presentation compatible. The xhtml files are also in "Standards compliance mode".

      Try choosing different "xml layout for saving files" from MathCast's Setting Screen. Also try erasing the DTD declaration from the xhtml file (by using wordpad).

      You can also try editing your xhtml files that MathCast saves with wordpad and copy the math tags manualy.

      I invented the Mathcasting feature, but I don't know of any other editor that supports that.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Do you know of any plain vanilla xml editors that work with MathCast?  I think MathCast is quite special, and well written, but for xml creation and putting up a web site, you also have to write some text to go with the equations.  I'm a newbie at mathML, so perhaps I'm missing something here? :-)

    • Tom Chekam

      Tom Chekam - 2006-04-29

      You can edit your xml with any xml editor.

      I prefer raw editing of the file using a text editor, specifically Notepad++. This is a very powerful notepad, and has many useful features, including an xml/html color scheme.

      After you create your xml or xhtml file (or during the creation), place empty math tags where you want to insert your equations. Make sure your file is XML compatible. Then, load the file from MathCast. MathCast will take the empty equations and create blank equations in the Edit Screen. You can then write any equations within those empty equations and save the file. MathCast will update only the math tags of your xml file with the appropriate MathML. This is what Mathcasting is all about.

      An alternative method for creating a web page is to use MathCast to create the equations you need and export them to png files. Then, just include the equations as images, through html’s image tag.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks for your prompt response Tom.  This is exactly the info and tips that I was looking for and couldn't seem to find either at the MathCast website or in the downloaded software, but perhaps it is assumed that most users already know this stuff.  I understood the  "html + image tag" approach, but I didn't understand the "xlm editor" approach when I started, but struggled a bit to puzzle it out to the point where I suspected that an "xlm editor" would be needed to make valid .xlm files, and so I downloaded "firstobject xlm editor" from:

      Now I guess one needs something called a schema.  Anyway, I will be eager to get and try out Notepad++  Thanks again for your help, and thanks again for MathCast!  It is clearly a well conceived and executed piece of software.  I enthusiastically applaud you.  -REH


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