
about Source Code

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I had downloaded the source code of MathCast0.86,but it couldn't run,for lack of some head files ,such as nsISupports.h,nsIWebBrowserChrome.h,nsIInterfaceRequestor.h and so on.How and where can I obtain these head files? 

    • Tom Chekam

      Tom Chekam - 2006-08-01

      Sorry for the delay.

      It is actualy a bit complicated. You need to complile the Mozilla source code to get these files and others. If you are still interested, I can explain it a bit more.

      You can also read another form entry:

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Tom

      It's a wonderfull piece of software you've written. I tried compiling the source files and am facing the same problem as mentioned above in this thread.Tried compiling mozilla source code too but couldn't's really messy!!!

      It would be really great if you can  avail me those browser related header files,which are needed for compilation.It would be a big help.Though i can't really commit to be contributive to this software , but would try my best to be.


    • Tom Chekam

      Tom Chekam - 2006-08-14


      Sorry for the delay again, I haven't been at home in the past few weeks, and I won't be for another week or so. The header files and dlls are 20Megs compressed.

      If you are still interested, you can email me at, when I'll get back I could send it to you.


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