
My MathCast does not run

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I unzip the files in a folder. And the MIT MathML Fonts Package was installed. But when I doble clik the MathCast.exe file in the folder, it shows an error (0xc000001d) and says "the application can not iniciate correctly". What is happen? I am doing something wrong? Pleas help me.
    NICOLAS CORDOBA - Math teacher

    • Tom Chekam

      Tom Chekam - 2006-02-14


      Please make sure that MathCast's folder name doesn't contain any foreign letters and that the parent folders also not contain foreign letters.

      If there is a problem starting up it's either what I just I said, or you may not have extracted all of the files, or maybe something is wrong with your Windows.

      MathCast only works under Windows 2000, XP, and 2003. If you are using 98, ME, or NT then that would not work.


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