
under script/ over script

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi, great program, but I consistently get a problem with using the over- and under-script operator. Using it gives the same results as subscript/super-script so that
    ∑¦h¸M ∑‡h¸M produces the same results.

    Any thoughts appreciated

    • Tom Chekam

      Tom Chekam - 2006-03-21


      This may happen if your equation is in Inline Display type. Try changing your equation type to block, through the equation menu.

      Thanks for your complement,

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks Tom,
      This does fix the problem for single line equations but not when the the under/over operator is needed in either a denominator or numerator using an 'over' operator. For example the following code P(Y◟i = m) = ‹exp(Z◟‹mi›)›/(1 + ∑‡‹h = 2›¸M exp(Z◟‹hi›)) produces the correct layout when presented on a single line, but if the '/' (division slash)is replaced with the (over) slash it doesn't. (The Unicode-ASCII ◟ here are subscripts).

      I can now output the right equation, which is a definite improvement, but any further ideas on how to fix the last step would be great!
      Thanks again

    • Tom Chekam

      Tom Chekam - 2006-03-23

      MathCast uses Mozilla's rendering engine, and sometime it decides that it's best to display a given statement a certain way.

      I have found a workaround though, type ‹∑›‡‹h = 2›¸M (put blocks around the sigma, that will force it to display the way you want).



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