Rudolf Rieder - 2012-05-29

spent the last three days playing with MathCast 0.9. Encountered a couple of problems:

1. My system is rather old-fashioned: MS Windows XP SP3, MS Word 2002 (Office 10)
2. STIX-fonts: Rendering is so la la, but Word does not render at all. When switching printer drivers (HP Laserjet Universal PCL5 to HP Laserjet PS to Adobe PDF-Writer) it Word briefly renders and then disappears again. Microsoft says they don`t support .OTF fonts…..
3. Uninstalled STIX and also Cambria and installed DejaVu. Rendering appears to be Times New Roman and Symbol (?).
4. Reinstalled Cambria (don't know where I got it in the first place. Some automatic update?). Rendering seems ok, copying to Word ok, but:
5. in neither of the cases I tried do I get boldface rendered. Strange thing happened with one particular variable: bold Z_1 renders the subscript "1" in boldface, but not the "Z".

For the time being I shall leave it at that, i.e. use Cambria. However, it would be nice if boldface could be produced: I use it for marking up complex vectors (imaginary unit j, impedance Z, admittance Y, etc.).

Thanks and regards