
Does anyone have an installer?

  • Mason Wheeler

    Mason Wheeler - 2015-11-03

    If I had to guess, I'd guess that 99% of the people who come here don't actually care about ATLAS, or doing any development work on ATLAS or having access to its source code. Most of them probably need ATLAS because it's a dependency for LAPACK, which is a dependency for NumPy, which is a dependency for whatever project they actually care about. They may not even have MinGW, and they may not have any desire to install a big compiler package for a langauge they don't even care about, just so they can build a dependcy-of-a-dependcy-of-a-dependcy-of-a-dependcy.

    They may, in other words, be just like me. I suspect that's a fairly accurate description of most developers who end up here.

    On Linux, you have a package manager that takes care of building everything for you and installing it all to the right place. But we're on Windows, and we don't use package managers; we use installers, which do essentially the same thing except that they're not managed through a central distribution site. So does anyone know where I could find an installer for ATLAS, so I (and everyone else) can get back to Python without having to waste hours groping aorund blindly in Dependency Hell?

    • R. Clint Whaley

      R. Clint Whaley - 2015-11-05

      On 11/03/2015 07:10 AM, Mason Wheeler wrote:

      If I had to guess, I'd guess that 99% of the people who come here don't
      actually care about ATLAS, or doing any development work on ATLAS or
      having access to its source code. Most of them probably need ATLAS
      because it's a dependency for LAPACK, which is a dependency for NumPy,
      which is a dependency for whatever project they actually care about.
      They may not even have MinGW, and they may not have any desire to
      install a big compiler package for a langauge they don't even care
      about, just so they can build a

      If you do not care about ATLAS, I suggest you do not post to the
      developer list. I would also suggest reading:

      They may, in other words, be just like me. I suspect that's a fairly
      accurate description of most developers who end up here.

      On Linux, you have a package manager that takes care of building
      everything for you and installing it all to the right place. But we're
      on Windows, and we don't use package managers; we use /installers/,
      which do essentially the same thing except that they're not managed
      through a central distribution site. So does anyone know where I could
      find an installer for ATLAS, so I (and everyone else) can get back to
      Python without having to waste hours groping aorund blindly in
      Dependency Hell?

      This list is not for asking about support for repackagers, either, but
      rather when installing ATLAS from the tarfiles that I support. Contact
      whoever is causing your dependence hell, would be my suggestion. I
      imagine they'd be happy to explain to you how to link to either a
      low-performance BLAS/lapack (like reference libraries) to solve your
      problem, or to buy a high performance library like MKL, both of which
      will allow you to avoid ATLAS completely.

      Just for the folks who do care about ATLAS: I am aware that currently
      the 3.11 series has no official Windows support (3.10 should still work
      for 32-bit, and old machines).

      I lost the funding that supported Windows support, and have only
      research grants at this time (no funds and therefore time for
      software-only issues; I still try to help out, but I have to spend most
      of my time working on the research with my students).

      So, even though I don't have any support for Windows development, I have
      been keeping it in mind. I believe in a release or two I'll have the
      code generators in such shape that a well-performing Windows/cygwin32/64
      install should be trivial, and Windows/MinGW64 should not be that
      difficult either.

      I plan to see if ATLAS will work out-of-box in Win64/cyg64 as soon as I
      finish expanding the code generator; if I can easily get that working,
      I'll post instructions. Otherwise, I have no time to do this now, so
      unless someone is interested in helping, it'll continue to be
      unsupported until we reach 4.0.0 (next stable).



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