
Select fields...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2002-11-18


    How can I get MTT to automaticly remove the fields I dont want to use? Like, if you only want to use the Title and Artist field, it would be nice if MTT automaticly would remove the text from any other field. I thought it would work if I unchecked the checkboxes by the fields I dont want to use. But I guess that is not how it's works.

    Maby it's not even possible yet? If so, any chance I could put it on the wishlist :)

    Otherwise it's a great app!!

    • John George

      John George - 2002-11-20

      If u mean u need a <Ignore> field which u can add to the custom format more than once, yes i plan to add that in the next version, if u meant how to remove for example all album fields by mass tagging: select one or more mp3s from list, uncheck all boxes except album field, delete any text in it, now press write tags button. This will remove all album tags from the selected mp3s. See the MTT help file (press F1 in the program) under "write tags" for help in mass tagging.
      Regards,  John G.


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