
RtAudio missing references

  • gio

    gio - 2010-05-28

    Hi everyone!

    I tried to compile a version of marsyas obtained by svn command om my ubuntu
    lucid distro.

    After a while during the "make" command is launched i got this problem:

    error: soundcard.h: Nessun file o directory

    /home/gio/Scrivania/marsyas-0.3.7/src/otherlibs/RtAudio/RtAudio.cpp: In member
    function ‘virtual unsigned int RtApiOss::getDeviceCount()’:

    error: ‘oss_sysinfo’ was not declared in this scope

    error: expected ‘;’ before ‘sysinfo’

    error: ‘SNDCTL_SYSINFO’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘sysinfo’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘sysinfo’ was not declared in this scope

    /home/gio/Scrivania/marsyas-0.3.7/src/otherlibs/RtAudio/RtAudio.cpp: In member
    function ‘virtual RtAudio::DeviceInfo RtApiOss::getDeviceInfo(unsigned int)’:

    error: ‘oss_sysinfo’ was not declared in this scope

    error: expected ‘;’ before ‘sysinfo’

    error: ‘SNDCTL_SYSINFO’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘sysinfo’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘oss_audioinfo’ was not declared in this scope

    error: expected ‘;’ before ‘ainfo’

    error: ‘ainfo’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘SNDCTL_AUDIOINFO’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘PCM_CAP_OUTPUT’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘PCM_CAP_INPUT’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘PCM_CAP_DUPLEX’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S16_LE’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S16_BE’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S8’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S32_LE’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S32_BE’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_FLOAT’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S24_LE’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S24_BE’ was not declared in this scope

    /home/gio/Scrivania/marsyas-0.3.7/src/otherlibs/RtAudio/RtAudio.cpp: In member
    function ‘virtual bool RtApiOss::probeDeviceOpen(unsigned int,
    RtApi::StreamMode, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, RtAudioFormat,
    unsigned int, RtAudio::StreamOptions)’:

    error: ‘oss_sysinfo’ was not declared in this scope

    error: expected ‘;’ before ‘sysinfo’

    error: ‘SNDCTL_SYSINFO’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘sysinfo’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘oss_audioinfo’ was not declared in this scope

    error: expected ‘;’ before ‘ainfo’

    error: ‘ainfo’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘SNDCTL_AUDIOINFO’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘PCM_CAP_OUTPUT’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘PCM_CAP_INPUT’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘PCM_CAP_DUPLEX’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘SNDCTL_DSP_GETFMTS’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S8’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S16_NE’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S16_OE’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S24_NE’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S24_OE’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S32_NE’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S32_OE’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S16_NE’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S32_NE’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S24_NE’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S16_OE’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S32_OE’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S24_OE’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘AFMT_S8’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED’ was not declared in this scope

    /home/gio/Scrivania/marsyas-0.3.7/src/otherlibs/RtAudio/RtAudio.cpp: In member
    function ‘virtual void RtApiOss::closeStream()’:

    error: ‘SNDCTL_DSP_HALT’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘SNDCTL_DSP_HALT’ was not declared in this scope

    /home/gio/Scrivania/marsyas-0.3.7/src/otherlibs/RtAudio/RtAudio.cpp: In member
    function ‘virtual void RtApiOss::stopStream()’:

    error: ‘SNDCTL_DSP_HALT’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘SNDCTL_DSP_HALT’ was not declared in this scope

    /home/gio/Scrivania/marsyas-0.3.7/src/otherlibs/RtAudio/RtAudio.cpp: In member
    function ‘virtual void RtApiOss::abortStream()’:

    error: ‘SNDCTL_DSP_HALT’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘SNDCTL_DSP_HALT’ was not declared in this scope

    /home/gio/Scrivania/marsyas-0.3.7/src/otherlibs/RtAudio/RtAudio.cpp: In member
    function ‘void RtApiOss::callbackEvent()’:

    error: ‘SNDCTL_DSP_SETTRIGGER’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘PCM_ENABLE_INPUT’ was not declared in this scope

    error: ‘PCM_ENABLE_OUTPUT’ was not declared in this scope

    make: *** Errore 1

    make: *** Errore 2

    make: *** Errore 2

    did someone have the same issues? is it a problem of the version? which is the
    stable and working versione or how can i solve this problem?

    Thanks a lot.


  • George Tzanetakis

    I believe the problem is that you need to install the alsa development
    library. I think it is something like

    libasound-2 in Ubuntu even though I haven't tried in the more recent version.


  • gio

    gio - 2010-05-28

    Hello George,

    thanks for the super fast answer! I've checked right now on synaptic and i
    have that library installed on. Maybe there could be another kind of issue? or
    better i install another version of marsyas?

    Thanks for your help.


  • George Tzanetakis

    Looking more carefully it seems that for some reason it tries to compile the
    OSS version of RtAudio rather than the ALSA version. Not sure why - you can
    probably get it to compile by disabling MARSYA_AUDIO in cmake but then you
    will not have audio input/output just sounfile IO. Not sure.

  • gio

    gio - 2010-05-29

    Ok, now i will try that. But havein no I/O in Marsyas...does it mean i will
    not be able to use input/output functions such as the audiosinks, and all that
    stuff? :( I will let u know soon, thanks a lot for the availability.

  • gio

    gio - 2010-05-29

    Ok, these are the options which I'm using now to "ccmake" the build:

    Page 1 of 2


    CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX */usr/local












    OSS *OFF




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    Everything goes ok from building to installation, but then when I run the
    "hello world" project under eclipse it say the following:

    /home/gio/workspace/MX-mar/Debug/MX-mar: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    I included the path of libmarsyas.o and the library name inside the linker's
    options, but still doesn't recognize it.

    I'm thinking to work on another machine maybe

  • gio

    gio - 2010-05-30


    I think I solved the problem, I compiled marsyas on another laptop with a 64
    bits system. The only problem is that i cannot compile it with png library, it
    creates an error, but without it, works even under eclipse.


  • George Tzanetakis

    That's good to know. In general we don't use the forum much so for further
    questions about Marsyas

    please use the mailing lists (marsyas-develoeprs, marsyas-users)




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