
The problem with the sound record !

  • safatron

    safatron - 2011-12-12

    Hello. I write scientific work. In search of a material has come across your library. An excellent thing! Thanks you big for such working out!

    Has started a program writing: it is necessary to write down a sound from a microphone in wav a file, and then it to load for the further processing. It does not turn out in any way.

    Thanks for attention. I look forward to hearing from you!

  • Serguei A. Mokhov

    Hi safatron, sorry for the delay in reply.

    Thanks for the good comments! Now to your specific comments:

    > it is necessary to write down a sound from a microphone in wav a file,
    > and then it to load for the further processing.

    In the traditional MARF and its SpeakerIdentApp, yes.

    > It does not turn out in any way.

    What do you mean? Do you mean you want to put the input stream
    directly for processing without creating an intermediate file first?
    It is possible and some (external) applications have done that, but you'd
    still be storing some information somewhere, like training sets, processed
    utterances, etc. The real-time recording then would be a part of the application
    itself. Inside MARF, we began work long ago to add a SampleRecorder class ,
    which would get the data not from the file, along with its Test application , but
    it was not fully finished with other things taking more priorities. If you feel like,
    you are welcome to contribute the missing bits ;-)

    BWT, what kind of scientific works do you do? Any links? There's been
    several publications with MARF and derived works and applications.




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