
Marauroa / News: Recent posts

Marauroa 0.30 released

This is perhaps the last release of Marauroa as an independient project, as soon we join Arianne on the effort of creating a high quality free and open source multiplayer online game.

This release is a important milestone as it add two key features:
- Persistent objects
- Transactional database support

It also fix some other issues as:
- Fixed zlib compression problem due to incorrect deserialization
- Send less TOTAL perceptions so it improve bandwidth usage
- A ton of little bugs/features fixed/added ... read more

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2004-03-26

Marauroa 0.25 released

This version add compresion to the network layer. I hope to lower the usage of my poor connection :)
I also have added buy item and buy gladiator and have done some tunnings to the way players store objects.

Please give it a try and report problems.

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2004-03-06

Marauroa 0.24 released

This version fixed SQL bug that can cause a denial of service on server, fixed a bug on Fame to be assigned to winner, fixed correctly the no-winner situation and finally fixed test cases to correctly pass the PlayerEntryContainer tests.

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2004-03-02

Marauroa 0.23 released

Marauroa is a implementation, using Java, of Arianne, but we are also extending some of the concepts implemented in Arianne to improve it.

Marauroa wants to be a massive multiplayer role playing game that you can access through your internet connection. It is a virtual world, and you have an unprecedented degree of freedom to shape your own destiny. Social interaction, combat, or just hanging out with friends will all be parts of your experience.... read more

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2004-02-16

Marauroa 0.22 released

Marauroa is a implementation, using Java, of Arianne, but we are also
extending some of the concepts implemented in Arianne to improve it.

Marauroa wants to be a massive multiplayer role playing game that you can
access through your internet connection. It is a virtual world, and you have
an unprecedented degree of freedom to shape your own destiny. Social
interaction, combat, or just hanging out with friends will all be parts of
your experience.... read more

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2004-02-06

Marauroa 0.21 released

Marauroa is a implementation, using Java, of Arianne, but we are also
extending some of the concepts implemented in Arianne to improve it.

Marauroa wants to be a massive multiplayer role playing game that you can
access through your internet connection. It is a virtual world, and you have
an unprecedented degree of freedom to shape your own destiny. Social
interaction, combat, or just hanging out with friends will all be parts of
your experience.... read more

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2004-02-01

Marauroa Gladiators server soon to be online

I am working as fast as I can to place online a Marauroa's Gladiator server, that will be running Marauroa 0.21

If you can provide also hosting for an online server please also contact me at arianne_rpg at users dot sf dot net, you need to run at least: MySQL, java 1.4 and sshd

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2004-01-28

Marauroa 0.20 released

Marauroa is a implementation, using Java, of Arianne, but we are also
extending some of the concepts implemented in Arianne to improve it.

Marauroa wants to be a massive multiplayer role playing game that you can
access through your internet connection. It is a virtual world, and you have
an unprecedented degree of freedom to shape your own destiny. Social
interaction, combat, or just hanging out with friends will all be parts of
your experience.... read more

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2004-01-26

New screenshots of Gladiators

everyone on the IRC channel knows, but I think I should tell you all too.
I have get Gladiators client to work and work reasonablely well for a newbie like me in 3D enviroments.
I attach a few screenshots for you just to see. read more

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2004-01-25

New screenshot of Gladiators client

This time I have been able to get the client to create a new 3D model for a new player send from server. That is everything real and connecting to a Marauroa server.

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2004-01-21

Marauroa 0.12 cancelled

Due to the lack of positive or negative comments about the functionality of Marauroa 0.11 and because we are now working hard to release 0.20 the bug fixes release know as 0.12 is cancelled.

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2004-01-19

Early preview of Gladiators: screenshot

Here is a very early preview of Gladiators client being developed in now.

Also I attach a concept artwork of how the arena is supposed to be for this early 0.20 version.

The client is not on CVS nor downloadable.

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2004-01-15

Artwork request for Gladiators

I am just writing to request GFX for our new game Gladiators.
As you know Gladiators is a combat game so we need:

3D Models
- A few Gladiators
- A sword
- A shield
- A place to fight
- A few spectators

2D Artworks
- Button for Rock, Paper and Scissor
- Button for Combat
- Button for Fame
- Button for Thumb Up and Thumb Down

- Sounds of gladiators fighting
- Sounds of the Arena
- Sound of sword against sword hit
- Sound of wounds
- Sound of deads ... read more

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2004-01-12

ariannexp is now working with marauroa

At last, there is a first revision of Arianne that is 100% compatible with Marauroa.
We have get Arianne to talk the new protocol that Marauroa used, now we are nearer to have a great client working on Marauroa's Gladiators.

I will keep you all updated about it.

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2004-01-12

Gladiators completed!

This is a big step on our progress for getting a playable platform.

Gladiator is now completed on its server side, so we only miss to develop the client side of it to get a real game.

As before any kind of report about failures or bugs is welcome.

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2004-01-09

Gladiators server code is harldy 100% done

Apart of a small bugs to close, the code is on CVS and passing the tests.
Now we will put our effort on making a graphical playable client.

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2004-01-07

Happy new year 2004

We want to wish you a very happy new year 2004.

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2003-12-31

Client design for Gladiators

As you know, Gladiators is going to be our next game, and in order to get it really playable and nice we need to have an idea of how the client would look like.
Well, here is what you should expect of 0.20 client.

The idea is how would you see the game, and what are the basic things you can do. By the way, the Buy part is going to be scheduled for 0.21... read more

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2003-12-28

New project progress goals

Due to holidays and the fact that designing a game like Gladiators have shown to be a bit more complex than desired, I have been force to post a new Gantt progress diagram.

Also I would really beg for a report about any kind of problems that you find on the game.

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2003-12-26

Marauroa 0.11 released

Marauroa is a implementation, using Java, of Arianne, but we are also extending some of the concepts implemented in Arianne to improve it.

Marauroa wants to be a massive multiplayer role playing game that you can access through your internet connection. It is a virtual world, and you have
an unprecedented degree of freedom to shape your own destiny. Social interaction, combat, or just hanging out with friends will all be parts of your experience.... read more

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2003-12-22

SimpleGame is working now

Now the bugs are fixed, give a try to CVS. We will soon release 0.11 that is a bug fixes release over it.

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2003-12-20

small delay

My HD just burnt up today :(
I have lost around 80 GB of stuff, marauroa source code included, so I am spending the next days trying to restore as much as possible.

Backup: That thing that you don't have when you really need it.

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2003-12-16

Marauroa 0.10 released

This release contains a playable but buggy simpleGame based on the Tic-Tac-Toe game. We will have bugs fixed on a week or so, but I really requiered the 0.10 to be released in order to consolidate changes.

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2003-12-15

Marauroa 0.10 in almost complete

Waldemar did a incrible job this weekend and the game is now fully playable, soon after we have review it a bit deeper, and Waldermar complete the sound addition we will release Marauroa 0.10
Until that you can always checkout CVS

Posted by Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin 2003-12-14