
Manderlbot / News: Recent posts

Manderlbot 0.5.1

This is a bugfix release:

The spy answer behaviours are now case insensitive.

Posted by Mickaël Rémond 2001-09-25

Manderlbot 0.5 is out

The bot is now able to keep track of people activity on a given channel.
He can answer to question regarding a people according to its nickname.

Posted by Mickaël Rémond 2001-09-23

Manderlbot 0.4.1 release

Manderlbot 0.4.1 has just been released.

This is the first stable release since the complete code rewrite.
Among the new feature, basic hot code upgrade has been added.

Posted by Mickaël Rémond 2001-09-16

Manderlbot 0.4 alpha 2 released

A new version of Manderlbot has been released.

It has been completly rewritten. It is now very easy to implement a new bot, based on library of ready made behaviours.

The code is also prepared to several simultaneous bot management.


Posted by Mickaël Rémond 2001-09-14


Version 0.1 of Manderlbot has been released.
The package can be downloaded from

Posted by Mickaël Rémond 2000-11-26

Now he's angry...

Ok, Manderlbot can now connect to an IRC server and channel, and listen to it. Doesn't do much more for the moment, except he doesn't like to be kicked ;-)

Posted by Thierry Mallard 2000-11-12