Clemens Hintze - 2015-08-20

Dear Group,

I have used Make++ for a lot of years already. I have also built a complete framework on top of it to allow the Makeppfiles in our project to contain only simple contents like:

include make/makeppinclude.head

SOURCES = $(wildcard *.cpp)

include make/makeppinclude.tail

These all happens to work perfectly with Make++ 1.50.100422.

Now -- as I have to build new functionality into my framework -- I tried to upgrade to Make++ 2.0 or even I adapted all my own written statements, functions and commands to fit the new mechanism as explained in the Extending Make++ page.

But now I get a strange error that I am not able to find the source for. The error is:

attempt to load two makefiles (/local/hintze/work/datalog/Makeppfile and /local/hintze/work/datalog/SCALAR(0x8685344))

But there is only one Makeppfile in said directory. I guess somehow Make++ get wired by something I did in my framework. It seemed to be okay with 1.50.100422, but seem to be broken with 2.0.

I have to add due to our project structure, I have disabled implicite loading of Makeppfiles. But I load them all explicitely via load-makefile.

Furthermore I used to _include some other definitions in my framework. If I enable this _include then the same error like above occurs, but this time prepended via

_include statement raised this error ...

Whereas without the _include it is the prebuild statement raising that error.

I am using Perl 5.8.8 under Linux SuSE 10.1.

Does anybody have some hint where I can go for hunting that wired bug of mine?

Thanks in advance and

Best Regards,