Yuval Kogman - 2014-03-31


I'm no longer qualified to maintain this (i don't have a computer and
I don't remember anything about cocoa), so sorry but I can't really

However, feel free to pick the code apart, if necessary I can try to
figure out how to transfer any privileges necessary if you're
interested in maintaining it.

For what it's worth I based it on:
http://projects.tynsoe.org/en/ed2kh/download.php i don't actually
remember if I only had a look in the project and figured out how it's
done or if I actually borrowed code unfortunately.

My guess is the method employed to launch terminal applications (I
vaguely remember having had to resort to OSA scripting but i'm not
sure) must have changed somehow, if indeed it is OSA it could be that
the Terminal.app dictionary has changed, that would explain why it
would launch but not execute the appropriate command. There is
probably a more robust way of opening a specific command,
photoshopping the icon took longer than coding this project ;-)

Sorry and good luck!

On 29 March 2014 02:04, El Mariachi lmariachi@users.sf.net wrote:

[bugs:#2] Terminal window opens but not mutt

Status: open
Group: v1.0_(example)
Created: Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:04 PM UTC by El Mariachi
Last Updated: Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:04 PM UTC
Owner: nobody

Not sure when (10.9.2 update maybe?) but MailtoMutt has stopped working. It
opens a terminal window but doesn't launch mutt. Can't find anything
relevant in logfiles.

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Bugs: #2