
v1.8CE compatability

  • Zxurian

    Zxurian - 2013-11-21

    has anyone tested this with the newly released v1.8 community edition?

    I'm about to do some experiments, and just wondering if there's anything I should look out for.

  • Leslie Warlock

    Leslie Warlock - 2013-12-13

    I'm using MAGMI for Magento 1.8 with the builtin 1.7 compatibility settings. Everything went well with simple products, with the plugins I was able to import the images too. But the main downside that I wasn't able to set the associations of the grouped and configurable products.

    • PedroKTFC

      PedroKTFC - 2014-02-01

      I've just tried importing a set of simple products all associated with a single configurable products and it seems to have imported fine. I have to do more checks to be certain and I haven't currently included any images (I'll be doing that a little later) but encouraged so far.

      (I'm using MAGMI v0.7.18)

      • Kristoffer Ernest

        How did the further testing with Magni and Magento 1.8 go?
        Is it possible to import configurable products and images?

        • Jai Molloy

          Jai Molloy - 2014-04-08

          I can import images from MagMI to Magento with the plugin. remote images works just fine.

          What does not work at all is setting the url_key in csv. It is ignored completely. This is a known bugm, apparently due to changes in the DB structure.

    • Marijn

      Marijn - 2014-06-10

      Hi Leslie,

      Where you able to figure out a workaround or fix already? I am still stuck with the same problem..


  • PedroKTFC

    PedroKTFC - 2014-04-14

    Last night I imported some gallery images, again using v0.7.18, and they imported fine.

    While I'm here, I'd like to mention this ticket about absolute paths on windows. I'd be happy to commit a fix for it if somebody can point me at how to do it.

  • Magento

    Magento - 2014-05-31

    Have you also tested the current version with magento 1.9?

  • Marijn

    Marijn - 2014-06-10

    EDIT: configurable products are importing fine now. Make sure the simple products are in the correct attribute_set and you have set the attribute correctly. Problem solved, no problem of Magmi!

    I am using magmi 0.7.18 with Magento 1.9 and i can't get configurable products to work. The simple products are not added to the configurable.

    Article imports are working fine so it seems. Images where imported. But the configurables are a major issue for me. Somebody has a tip or workaround?


    Last edit: Marijn 2014-06-17

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