
#61 Websites Field Removed


The websites field has been made obsolete however this is causing a serious issue and should be re-added to be able to manually overide the store column. When adding a new product with multiple stores in the store field, the product is addded and all subsequent store view values are set as default. When however a product is updated with multiple stores in the store field, the values are set as store view and not default/global.

This does not work in some cases as it is required to set the store to 'admin' and have multiple different websites for each product, this is related to multi-country websites and for local currency checkout with website pricing scope.

The field 'websites' should be re-added which sets the websites 'independently' of the store views which is how the Magento product admin works.


  • Vanquish Consulting

    getItemWebsites function which solves the issue using websites field if available otherwise defaults to the new method using store as the basis.

  • Sebastien Bracquemont

    • status: open --> closed
  • Sebastien Bracquemont

    The websites column will be back in 0.7.19 ,as the "store deduction" algorithm only seem to be counterproductive for many users and may not handle some cases correctly.
    The fix is already available on latest svn
    thanks a lot


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