
files in lang dir

  • Maciej Ląd

    Maciej Ląd - 2003-01-15

    from conf:

    # Directory where all language based files should go.
    # This is where it will look for them when a language is
    # set, *.lng, *.lfo and *.hlp files should be in here.
    ;LANGDIR         =/usr/local/share/magick/lang
    LANGDIR         =/home2/ircd/mag/share/magick/lang

    I found a .lng and .lfo ... what is a .hlp extension ? and for what ? or

    this is the sames files... but what is a diffrents for this files ?

    • Preston Elder

      Preston Elder - 2003-01-16

      The .hlp files contain ALL the text that services will send back to users when they use the HELP command.

      It comes in the lang directory of every magick distribution.  Right now, only the english HLP file exists, because nobody has translated the help text.

    • Maciej Ląd

      Maciej Ląd - 2003-01-16

      ok... what a finished a sesions of exam I translated to this on polish language. and I send you...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Sorry Black, I will be the first one :) And I think my translation will be much better (no offence) ;> You are just too hmm.. distracted (?). I don't know what word will be adequate. Anyway, now I'm translating NickServ help and I hope I finish all the polish.hlp file by the next friday.
      Prez, tell me if I should send you this file when I finish it or wait for all file being translated?

    • Preston Elder

      Preston Elder - 2003-01-17

      Yes, just send the files to me when the translation is done, and I'll add you to the translators list when I receive the first of the files.

      If you're going to translate for magick, please do the files in the order of the .lng first, then the .lfo then the .hlp.  The .lng is the most important, it contains all responses to user commands, the .hlp is probably the next most important, but its a huge file, so you should probably leave it for last (most people just leave the help in english, unfortunately), which is whyy I said to do the .lfo (all outputs that go to the magick.log file) second.

    • Maciej Ląd

      Maciej Ląd - 2003-01-17

      I make a default language is polish and when "nobody" translated .hlp I translated other files with help "nobody"

      "nobody" can u register in this servis ? dont like "nobody" nickname :P

      Prez... when I finished translated I sending you or "nobody" the help files...

    • Preston Elder

      Preston Elder - 2003-01-18

      'nobody' is Mitch-, sorry, I deleted his duplicate post, but it also had his name in it.  Yes, you can register on sourceforge, and its free, so mitch, if you want to get rid of the 'nobody' tag, register :)

      When files have been completed (translation wize) you should always send them to me, so I can put them in the magick distribution.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      OK i translated Magick to polish language. :-)

      I send lang files to Black_Dev, later black send this files to you, PreZ.

      Best regards.


    • Preston Elder

      Preston Elder - 2003-03-23

      I await these files eagerly.

    • Nobody/Anonymous


    • Maciej Ląd

      Maciej Ląd - 2003-03-29

      In My net Is 3 ppl to services

      Me - Main Admin Technical and on Irc
      Mitch - Main Admin on Irc and somtimes help me :)
      Annihilator with Unavowed - Translated / Coders patch / addons other stuff ..


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