
#20 Could not import from Cockatrice database


Hi! I followed all your instructions, but the program said "Could not import from Cockatrice database". The console window says a bunch of things (sorry for not being more specific, those seem to be alright), and at the end there's the line: "ValueError: invalid literal for int<> with base 10: '3 / 4'
I have no idea what could be wrong: my Cockatrice works fine, and I tried to make a very simple set with MSE, but no improvement.
In the readme for your MH you write "Browse to the file you exported from MSE (in MWS format!)" - this should be a .txt, right?
Also, the MH and Cockatrice are on separate disks, could this be the problem?


  • Kirk Joppy

    Kirk Joppy - 2014-04-27

    This is interesting, because you're the second person to have this error. I can help you if you will please supply some additional information.

    First, what localization is your system on? In other words, in what country do you live?

    Second, please make a very small MSE set that reproduces the error. For example, if you make a set with only one card in it, do you get this error? Please find out which card is causing your error.

    Finally, post this minimal MSE set file with this ticket and I will debug the problem.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-04-27

    Thanks for replying so quickly. I try to give you all the info you need, but I'm afraid you have to specifically ask for it, because I have no idea what is relevant to you:)
    I live in Hungary, I'm using Windows 7.
    I had made a small set with one card as I wrote, and I still got the error message. The card doesn't even have any infor, just a name. Anyway, I'm attaching it.
    I hope it helps

  • Kirk Joppy

    Kirk Joppy - 2014-04-27

    Thanks for replying so quickly.

    I happen to be fixing tickets today.

    I try to give you all the info you need, but I'm afraid
    you have to specifically ask for it, because I have no idea
    what is relevant to you:)

    I understand. In fact, I just updated the readme file to give users more information on what to include with bug reports. I will upload it soon.

    Thanks for the attachment. I will look at it when I finish uploading the files I just worked on.


    Last edit: Kirk Joppy 2014-04-27
  • Kirk Joppy

    Kirk Joppy - 2014-04-27

    Wait a second... I should have read the error message more carefully. Somewhere the program is trying to convert the string '3/4' to an integer. Of course that's going to fail. Now I need to figure out where it's hitting that error.


    Last edit: Kirk Joppy 2014-04-27
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-04-27


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-05-11

    Just wanted to chime in and say that I'm hitting this same error (ValueError: invalid literal for int<> with base 10: '3 / 4'). Has any progress been made here? Would providing my info (set files, localization, etc.) help at this stage?

    • Kirk Joppy

      Kirk Joppy - 2014-05-12

      Please do the following:

      1. Download the latest version from sourceforge and install etc.
      2. Try your set.
      3. If you still get an error, make a new MSE set with a single card whose name is something simple and which does not use any non-ascii characters. See if you can export that simple set.
      4. If you can, then please figure out which card in your original set is causing the problem. Once you figure that out, please post here your MSE set with that one problematic card.
      5. If you can't get even the single card set to work, please reply to this post telling me that and we'll go from there.
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-05-12

    After reinstalling and trying again, I was able to make the changes with no error, without changing the set. Which is a bit weird considering that I was previously using that same version; maybe it's just something that happens the first time, or maybe there's a random chance involved. Anyway, it works now, so thank you for responding, and for making this program in the first place.

    • Kirk Joppy

      Kirk Joppy - 2014-05-12

      Which is a bit weird considering that I was previously using that same version

      I haven't been super careful with the version numbers, so my guess is that the update worked because it's actually different code.

      Anyway, it works now, so thank you for responding, and for making this program in the first place.

      I appreciate the positive feedback. If you wouldn't mind actually rating the project or even writing a really quick review I'd appreciate it even more. This program did take me a long time to make, as I had to learn a lot of new things :)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-08-31

    Hi, first of all thank you for your efforts in creating this program! Strangely enough it worked for me until very recently and now I get the same error (ValueError: invalid literal for int<> with base 10: '3 / 4') everytime I try it. I have already tried it with a single card set (which I have attached to this post), but that doesn't work either (and gets me the same error) and even reinstalling the program didn't help. I'm from Germany by the way if that helps. I hope you can help me with that, would really like to try my new custom set with Cockatrice again :) Thank you in advance! :)

    • Kirk Joppy

      Kirk Joppy - 2014-09-17

      I will take a look a this over the weekend. Meanwhile, you wouldn't happen to have a computer set to USA nationalization, would you? If so, please try there. I have a suspicion that a lot of these bugs are coming from something to do with "foreign" nationalizations. I could be wrong of course. It might just be that I'm a terrible programmer :)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-08-31

    Oh and I am using the newest version of your program so thats not the problem either :/



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