
MActor / News: Recent posts

MActor 2.0.1 released

MActor is an extensible tool for functional integration testing. It can facilitate tests for a range of integration technologies (support for JMS, XML over HTTP, SOAP, TIBCO Rv, IBM MQ Series and file-shares are currently supplied with the tool)

The MActor 2.0.1 release is mainly a bug-fix release, but contains some new functionality

Visit the project site for more info

Posted by Lars Ivar Almli 2008-08-14

MActor 2.0.0 released

MActor is an extensible tool for functional integration testing. It can facilitate tests for a range of integration technologies (support for JMS, XML over HTTP, SOAP, TIBCO Rv, IBM MQ Series and file-shares are currently supplied with the tool)

MActor 2 is a complete reformation of the tool. New features includes: editor for all artifacts, built-in support for the BeanShell Scripting Language, improved user interface for running tests, support for JMS (in addition to SOAP, XML over HTTP, files, IBM MQ Series and TIBC Rv), new support for mocking, improved ways of providing test-data, possibility to monitor and directly interact with channels from the GUI, and more..... read more

Posted by Lars Ivar Almli 2008-03-30

MActor version 1.0.14 released

MActor is an extensible integration test tool. It can facilitate tests of any XML-based integration. Adapters for TIBCO Rendezvous, HTTP, SOAP, shared files and IBM MQSeries are currently included.

This release contains the adapter for TIBCO Rendezvous.

Visit the project site for more info

Posted by Lars Ivar Almli 2007-07-14

MActor version 1.0.7 released

MActor is an extensible tool for system integration testing.

It can facilitate tests of any XML-based integration regardless of the type of message transfer protocol used (HTTP, SOAP, file-system and IBM MQ series are currently supplied with the tool)

This release contains a few bug-fixes and some GUI improvements

Visit the project site for more info

Posted by Lars Ivar Almli 2007-05-30

MActor version 1.0.4 released

MActor is an extensible tool for system integration testing.

It can facilitate tests of any XML-based integration regardless of the type of message transfer protocol used (HTTP, SOAP, file-system and IBM MQ series are currently supplied with the tool)

Visit the project site for more info

Version 1.0.4 is available for download at

Posted by Lars Ivar Almli 2007-05-19