
Modular Access Control System / News: Recent posts

MACS 0.8-beta released

The 0.8 beta was released, and only one day late!

Posted by Mario D. Santana 2003-08-08

MACS 0.8-beta due w/ Linux World

The August 4 release date for MACS' first beta will coincide with the start of Linux World 2003 in San Francisco. Come hang out with us as we check out all the latest Linux haps.

Posted by Mario D. Santana 2003-07-28

MACS 0.7-alpha released

MACS 0.7 has working UIs, a full configure-style build system, Java APIs, more documentation than ever, and more!

I know we said 0.6 was the final alpha, but we want to evolve the software a little for 0.8-beta. It's official. Download today and see the "Roadmap for Beta" in the TODO file.

Posted by Mario D. Santana 2003-07-14

Final alpha released

MACS 0.6 was released today, which should be the final release to bear the 'alpha' tag before 1.0. This version of MACS is in production use, protecting several webapps. With a little luck, or a little help, we could get 0.7 beta out by year's end. Definitely let us know if you'd like to help with anything from documentation to testing to bugfixing. Now's the time to get involved!

Posted by Mario D. Santana 2002-12-10

0.6-alpha prerelease 1

In response to popular demand, we give you a developer's preview release of 0.6-alpha. 0.6 is likely to be the last alpha release, and it's a doozie. See the ChangeLog for some details, and peruse the code for the rest.

Posted by Mario D. Santana 2002-09-03

0.5 release

Another milestone in our relentless pursuit of beta, 0.5 is a major overhaul to several subsystems. It also adds the delegated administration capabilities that everyone's been asking for. See the ChangeLog for details.

Posted by Mario D. Santana 2002-06-05

Developer docs

Amazing new documentation, fresh from the sources via doxygen, is now available. See them at while they're available!

Posted by Mario D. Santana 2002-06-01

0.4 released

The alpha release 0.4 is out tonight. Nice way to spend my birthday, eh? =) Check it out, it's actually usable. I for one, and Blake for two, will be using macs now to protect our unix boxes via PAM. Cool!

Posted by Mario D. Santana 2002-05-15

0.3-alpha release

This release lays a lot of ground for upcoming work. Look for results in the next release or two, or better yet, help us make those results yourself!

Posted by Mario D. Santana 2002-05-02

Required perl modules package

All the perl modules required by macs (except for the ones in the standard distribution) have been brought together for your installation pleasure. See the macs-perlmods package.

Posted by Mario D. Santana 2002-04-21

Revamped website

We've just redone the whole website. It's just a start, but see it at and tell us what you think!

Posted by Mario D. Santana 2002-04-21

alpha-0.1 release

The first full release of macs is now available -- see the Files section. It's fully functional, although there are some "extras" that are still being worked on. Mostly the work to get from here to beta will be code cleanup and testing. Cheers!

Posted by Mario D. Santana 2002-04-17

Status update

Some of you mailed, asking about the sudden slowdown in activity for the last 2 weeks. Well, I took a look at how macs might work with DotGNU ( and got sidetracked with it, so the UI stuff hasn't had much attention lately. The DotGNU people have brought up some good points and suggestions, and there's a chance they'll want to use macs.

Also, Michael Roberts, the author of wftk ( has made happy noises about using macs to protect his workflow engine. This would be a) the first customer of the GPL'd version, b) an awesome tester/contributor, and c) a strategic partner for ngCMS (or whatever it's gonna be called.)

Posted by Mario D. Santana 2001-09-19