
Bug Report Section

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  • William Pabon

    William Pabon - 2010-10-30


    Thanks for the info. I will try your suggestions (suppose will start with the first) the next time the window borders disappear. Today (10/29/10), it's been working OK. Will let you know the outcome of your suggestions when the problem appears again. Thanks.

  • William Pabon

    William Pabon - 2010-11-01

    The first command you advised did the trick for the window frames to appear. Will this correct it permanently or, I will have to do it every time I loose the frames? Thanks

  • William Pabon

    William Pabon - 2010-11-01

    Another problem. If my browser crashes for any reason (typically, a load failure of Flash or Java), macbuntu also crashes. I have to reboot  to recover from the browser crash. I think there should be a fix so that, if an application crashes, the OS should recuperate without crashing.

  • Jan Komadowski

    Jan Komadowski - 2010-11-01

    What a browser do you use, I use Firefox and Chrome and my browser never crashes like that. Sometimes it hangs on flash elements, but ends in sandbox.
    Can you tell me how to simulate this error? Maybe I can help.

    And this thing with Compiz and GTK Window Decorator is complicated. Problem is known for a long time. It does not matter if the settings are standard or modified. Just sometimes gtk-window-decorator crashes and compiz does not load properly. I do not know what is the problem.

  • William Pabon

    William Pabon - 2010-11-01


    Thanks for the answer. Sorry I didn't tell about the browser. I almost exclusively use Chromium, and the problem described occurred with that browser. Essentially, if I open a page that has any flash animation or component, and that component fails to load properly (you see the crash symbol in the area), then macbuntu start acting weird until it crashes. Have to physically turn the pc off. I don't have Chrome on my machine, and can't really tell if I have experienced the problem with Firefox which I rarely use. Maybe I should start using Firefox more often instead of Chromium, but the latter is faster.

  • Allens Wrench

    Allens Wrench - 2010-11-02

    One question: I'm using the Global Menu with Macbuntu. I've changed the logo in Global Menu  from the apple to the ubuntu logo. Now when the mouse pointer is on the logo, the sign says "Menu Główne",
    Is it possible for me to alter it into English (or German) ?
    Thanks in advance for any advides!
    Once again thanks for your great work!

  • jfobedow

    jfobedow - 2010-11-02

    I'm seeing an issue with Macbuntu version 10.10-2.3 where if I have a menu open in the Global Menu (the menu at the top of the screen), have an entry within the menu highlighted, and then have a pop-up box appear (such as if you were to plug-in a USB thumb drive) while the menu is still open, it locks up the UI and prevents me from typing / clicking on anything.  The only way to regain control I've found is to restart my gnome session.  :-/

  • Jan Komadowski

    Jan Komadowski - 2010-11-03

    @ williepabon

    I tested Chromium, for now stable, I will play a little bit up on it.
    It would be strange that the Chromium differ so much from Google Chrome. :/

  • Jan Komadowski

    Jan Komadowski - 2010-11-03

    @ dablaubaer

    Strange, hint was corrected in version 2.3, do you have lastes version?

    Differently, if you want to change the tooltip:
    gconftool-2 -set /apps/panel/objects/object_0/tooltip -type string "Main Menu"

  • Kyle Baker

    Kyle Baker - 2010-11-14

    I've got several changes that I was hoping to contribute to make Macbuntu a little more authentic looking. Is there a particular place that I should post these since they are further improvements rather than bugs? My changes include more settings, new files and some other detailing things.

  • Jan Komadowski

    Jan Komadowski - 2010-11-14

    @ kyleabaker

    I think you need an SVN write privileges :)

  • William Pabon

    William Pabon - 2010-12-07

    On 10/10/2010 I reported loosing the window frames on macbuntu. Your suggestion by using the command: nohup compiz -replace & , returned the frames but, it is not permanent. I still loose the frames and need to use the command on occasion. Any suggestions for a permanent solution? Thanks.

  • William Pabon

    William Pabon - 2010-12-09

    I'm including a copy of the latest nohup output (failed again today) to see if this helps towards the solution of this problem.

    GConf backend: There is an unsupported value at path /apps/compiz/plugins/expo/allscreens/options/distance. Settings from this path won't be read. Try to remove that value so that operation can continue properly.
    gtk-window-decorator: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.0.
    gtk-window-decorator: Could not acquire decoration manager selection on screen 0 display ":0.0"
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Close event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Open event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Open event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Close event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Open event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Close event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Open event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Open event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Open event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Close event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Open event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Open event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Open event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Close event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Open event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Open event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Close event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Open event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Close event.
    compiz (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Open event.

    Thanks for the help.

  • William Pabon

    William Pabon - 2010-12-14

    Lost the Mac minimize effect on my macbuntu configuration. What settings on the compiz config setting should be activated?
    Thanks for the help.

  • Lionel Fothergill


    Really pleased to use this theme, nice work! But there seems to be an issue: my main menu on the top panel is not in the right place… it's somewhere in the middle (but not exactly), instead of on the left. Anyone know why??


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