
openoffice e wine

  • luca agazzi

    luca agazzi - 2009-01-02

    I have a problem with openoffice and wine.
    I'don't view the menu
    watch this

    can you help me?

    • Anirudh Acharya

      Anirudh Acharya - 2009-01-02

      I'm not sure what is causing the problem. Can you test the same with other themes? Also do you haf Compiz/Emerald enabled?

      • luca agazzi

        luca agazzi - 2009-01-03

        Before to install mac4lin i had ubuntu default and it was ok.
        how do i see compiz/emerald enable?
        I have do all passages in the guide

        (sorry but i don't speak english very well ;) )

    • Anirudh Acharya

      Anirudh Acharya - 2009-01-03

      Can you use some other GTK theme (other than Mac4Lin) and test if the same error persists? Don't worry about your English, I can understand what you are trying to say :)

      • luca agazzi

        luca agazzi - 2009-01-03

        I tried with the other theme and now there is the same problem..
        But before there wasn't that problem
        I tried to reinstall openoffice and wine but the problem persist..

    • J.M. Hardin

      J.M. Hardin - 2009-01-03

      That's actually a known issue for WINE and some video cards. Are you using Nvidia graphics card/chips? I did a post about the issue on my blog, and you can check to see how I resolved the issue on my system at

      • luca agazzi

        luca agazzi - 2009-01-04

        i tried but i didn't found the file setting.txt in wine's folder..
        and for openoffice?
        do you think is a problem of fonts?

        • J.M. Hardin

          J.M. Hardin - 2009-01-04

          I'm not sure what the appropriate fix for is, but from what I'm hearing the whole problem is an issue with some video drivers.

          What kind of video card do you use?

          • luca agazzi

            luca agazzi - 2009-01-04

            yes i've a nvidia video card..
            i do that is wrtite in the forum and now openoffice it's perfect!
            But what did i do with that command (Option "RenderAccel" "0" ) ?

            now the problem it's only for wine
            do you have another advice?

            thanks thanks thanks


            • J.M. Hardin

              J.M. Hardin - 2009-01-04

              I'm not sure what "RenderAccel" does, I only know that my system works better with that line. As far as the continued WINE issue goes, I don't have any other info than what I put on my blog ( Some of the comments on my post, especially #11, may be helpful to you as well.

              • luca agazzi

                luca agazzi - 2009-01-04

                perfect it's all ok!

                bye bye

        • J.M. Hardin

          J.M. Hardin - 2009-01-04

          This won't help with WINE but if you're using an Nvidia video card, or one of the cards that are based on Nvidia chips/technology, this post on the Ubuntu Forums should give you the right instructions for fixing the issue.

    • Anirudh Acharya

      Anirudh Acharya - 2009-01-03

      Thats explains it! Thanks Hardin :)

      Try if the link solves your issue.


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