
Installing Mac4Lin icons in Gnome 2.18 HELP

  • Evelyn

    Evelyn - 2008-02-08

    The documentation that comes with Mac4Lin is for Gnome 2.0 and 2.18. I have the latter, however cannot figure out how to install the icons. In the document it says, "GNOME 2.18
    Goto System > Preferences > Theme > Customize > Icons. Click Install. Choose the Mac4Lin
    GTK Icon Theme .tar.gz file (wherever its extracted). Select to Apply." My problem is that in my directory I have Mac4Lin_Icons_v0.4 and in that there is no Mac4Lin GTK Icon Theme .tar.gz file

    • Anirudh Acharya

      Anirudh Acharya - 2008-02-12

      Mebbe the screenshots in the documentation will be of some help...


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