
M2MLabs Wiki

Jim ladybird

About M2MLabs Mainspring

Mainspring is an open source application framework for building machine to machine (M2M) applications such as remote monitoring, fleet management or smart grid.

It covers common major functionalities required by M2M applications

  • flexible modeling of devices, their parts and their characteristics
  • device configuration
  • communication of data from the device to the application
  • sending commands from the application to the device
  • validation and normalization of the data
  • long term storage of data sent by devices
  • data retrieval functions for external applications using REST Api
  • web based IDE to create device and sensor models, manage devices and run simulations

It is written in Java and runs on a standard application server like Wildfly 26. Data storage is provided by the extremely scaleable NoSQL database from the Apache Cassandra project.

The source for M2MLabs Mainspring is available there from a Git repo under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Getting Started


Add Application Logic


In case of specific questions not answered by the Wiki or the documentation please log in with your sourceforge account and mail to

Contributing to the project

M2MLabs Mainspring is an effort for the community: an open source application framework promoting M2M applications. We want to encourage community involvement in development, testing and design. We do that with a public Mercurial repo, a bug tracker and a discussion list. If you want to contribute please log in with your sourceforge account and mail to

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.