

  • jefersondossantos

    howto remove the keyboard layout in taskbar?

    thank you

    • Aislan Diego

      Aislan Diego - 2008-07-30

      Hello Hulk.

      To perform this, edit the following file: "  rightbar   " located in $HOME/.lxp-icewm/ folder

      Add the comment dash " # " to the respective line, as per example.

      # menuprogreload "Keyboard layout" keyboard 3  lxp-icewm-keyboards

      So, all you have to do is restart the lxp, and there's no longer Keyboard Menu anymore!

      If there is anything else that i can do for your, please let me know.

      See you.

    • jefersondossantos


      You know how to edit this file? I would include the layout pt-br

      • Aislan Diego

        Aislan Diego - 2008-07-31

        Hello Hulk.

        You have a lot of editors available into Linux. A Shell Based one, (one of my best) calls: mcedit.

        you need to install it, because it isn't Ubuntu's default package, so install it before using this command

        $ sudo apt-get install mcedit

        ... when done.

        you can use it typing:

        $ mcedit

        It's sounds like the Windows Editor from MS-DOS!
        you can access the Editor menu, pressing F9.

        So, now you are looking for use the Brazilian ABNT Keyboard map right?
        i'll take a look how to add this to the list there, and i'll let you know as soon as possible!

        See you.

        Aislan Diego
        EDS Opsware Developer
        São Paulo - Brazil


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