
LX-VIEWER Close after some time open

  • ajs_box

    ajs_box - 2007-09-01

    I am using LX-VIEWER, but after some time (1 min.) it close.

    Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed
    Violación de segmento

    • Guy Edwards

      Guy Edwards - 2007-09-03

      I've not seen this error before but a quick google seems to imply it's an issue with X.

      (thought: ...or maybe it's a problem with some new version of QT... and the way lx-viewer is written?)

      in the meantime rule out the obvious
      * run all updates for your Linux distribution
      * make sure your x environment is sane, ensure the xauth package is installed. ( I'm on new ground here but that should fix basic things if it's that. )


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