

1 2 > >> (Page 1 of 2)
  • Vladimir Gerdjikov

                 .       -.       ,        -  ,   .
        ,              .   ,         .   (  )      .

    • Vladimir Gerdjikov

      ...,        .   spreadsheet.    ,  ,    .

      • Peter Stoilov

        Peter Stoilov - 2002-06-05

        Spreadsheet=" "?   ... - " ".


        Entry (User entry, Delete entries, Find Entry)
        Outline (  Document outline) =       ""     Layout.

        Variance  -           

        binomial distribution,  inverse t-distribution

                     ,              :

        Option(s), Seting(s), Undo, Redo

        ,              .           ,              .         .               .

        • Somebody Interested

                  -      :)

          "Entry"    402    ""
          "Entry"    402    ""
          "Entry"    402    ""
          "Entry"    402    ""

          Outline -           ()   

    • Vladimir Gerdjikov

      , ..     "" :)     .    "",      .

      user entry=
      delete entries= 
      find entries= 
      variance= (     :D),
      binomial distribution=
      inverse t-distribution= - (   )

      option= (  ,       )

      ,       (   )      . :))  ( )            ,       .....
      ,    .

      • Somebody Interested

          Entry        -   -  :)

    • Valentin Valchev


              -  Bultra-.            .

               -                :
      fire@usb:~/translations/oo$ grep -i entry *

    • Dimitar Yolovsky

      ??? ???? ??? ????? ???? ,????? ??? ???????? ?? ???????? ? ?????????? ?? ??????? ? ?? ?????? ??? ?????? ??????? ,???? ?? ?? ?????? ?? ???????? ??????????????:

      Cursor - ?????? ??? ????????? ?
      SlideShow -
      Database - ???? ????? ??? ???? ?????
      Deactivate -
      Font - ???? ??? ?????
      Deinstall -
      Page Brake -
      Range - ???? ,?????? ...
      Backup -
      Attribute - ??????? ,???????? ,????????
      Preview - ???????
      ? ?? Entry ?????? ???? ???-????????? : ?????
      ? ?????? ???-?????????? ????????? :)
      bookmark -

    • Dimitar Yolovsky

      Molq da me izvinite za vyprositelnite .
      Neshto ne se poluchi

    • Vladimir Gerdjikov

      ,     :)       - bglinux.     .       :)   -  "".     - windows-1251 -    ?-
      Cursor -  '    - "" !
      SlideShow -     " " ,     "   "  ,   .
      Database - " "
      Deactivate - ""
      Font - .  ?
      Deinstall -
      Page Brake -    "-",     "  ",   "  "
      Range - .
      Backup -    ""        :)
      Attribute - .    (   :).
      Preview - 
      Entry -  entry,    ""
      bookmark - "",    "" 

      ,    ( grep-a)     .     ""  :)       ......  .

    • Dimitar Yolovsky

      I az povecheto ot tqh sym gi prevel po edin ili drug nachin,no ideqta mi beshe dali da se izpolzvat internacionalnite varianti ,koito sa populqrni v BG ili da se tyrsqt bylgarski dumi.

      Font - font , a ne shrift
      Attribute - atribut ,a ne kachestvo
      i t.n
      Obshto vzeto ne me pritesnqvat dumite, a tova che nashite prevodi ne sa sinhronizirani pomezhdu si .

      A za Entry sym si izbral 'zapis' :)

    • Vladimir Gerdjikov

              -    .
                "--",        ?  ,           (    "socks proxy" = "  ")     -   .     ,   (     )
      /        -         .     ,     - sorry.

    • Dimitar Yolovsky

      Napulno sym syglasen s teb.
      No druga beshe ideqta na moeto pismo
      ( syzhalqvam ako sym bil ne dostatychno qsen v nego :
      >Obshto vzeto ne me pritesnqvat dumite, a tova >che nashite prevodi ne sa sinhronizirani >pomezhdu si .
      Primerno v dosegashnite prevodi 'bookmark' se sreshta na 3 mesta , i na trite e prevedena po razlichen nachin :
      otbelqzka ; otmetka ; belezhka

      Vyprosyt mi kym vas e :
      Sega li shte tyrsim nachin podobni razminavaniq da se izbegnat ili chak sled kato sa prevedeni vsichki chasti ?

    • Vladimir Gerdjikov

              ,        .  ,            :)          (   )
         ,     .

    • Vladimir Georgiev Georgiev

      "variance"  ""  .        ,       --  ( )           .

      • Peter Stoilov

        Peter Stoilov - 2002-06-08

        ,    !

    • Vladimir Georgiev Georgiev

      SlideShow:     "".      ,       .

      Page Brake:     (      )

      find entries:     ,        - "  " (  ).

    • Radostin Radnev

      Radostin Radnev - 2002-06-08

      > SlideShow = .
          "  "    . :-)

      • Peter Stoilov

        Peter Stoilov - 2002-06-08

        Slide    " "     ""      " "  -        .

           .  ,     Slide Show        .        Presentation,    Slide Show            .

        Slide Show =  ?

    • Vladimir Georgiev Georgiev

      Slide Show:  ""    ,        Slide Show.   " "?   ?

      ,    ,         .                .       ,        (.  )          .           .

      ,         (  )     .      OpenOffice     ,             ,           .

    • Angel Valkov

      Angel Valkov - 2002-06-11

      "The effective interest rate"
      "The constant rate of interest."

      • Somebody Interested

        "rate of interset" ??? "interest rate" ? ???? ?? ?????
        ????? :
        "The effective interest rate" - ??????????? ???? ?? ???????

        "The constant rate of interest." - ????????? ????? - ???? ?? ???? ????
        ?? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ??-????????????? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ????????.

    • Somebody Interested

      basi ujasnata rabota - ia gledai kvi pitanki :)
      "rate of interset"  "interest rate"   
      "The effective interest rate" -   

      "The constant rate of interest." -   -     -        -        

    • Mihail Balabanov

                ,         -   :)

      bookmark -  (      check,     "")
      border - "",           ,    ; "",       (   "",      "left border" )
      bold - ""  ""   (    ); "",     
      check - , ; ,
      check box -  
      dashed -  (. . - - - - -)
      database -      "  " (  " ")
      dotted -  (. . .........)
      entry - ,  (    ,  "mark index entry" - "     ");   ""       -
      export - "", ""  "", ""?)
      frame - []  ( "text frame"  Write);  (         );  (             "HTML frames")
      indent -
      import - "", ""  "", ""?
      join -  (        ); left/right/inner/outer join - ///
      kerning -  (      "-ing")
      layout -
      options -
      outline - "",        (. document outline, presentation outline); "",     ; "",       (  -  )
      paragraph -
      plug-in -
      presentation -  (,              ...)
      radio button -  (             Windows     -    "" ;)
      redo -  (  -   )
      resolution -   (    ,     ""    -  )
      row -  (         )
      settings -
      [data] series -  [ ] (      "data series"  Calc -   ,        )
      slide -
      slide show -
      spacing -  ( );  (   )
      strikethrough -
      undo -

      • Vladimir Georgiev Georgiev

           ,  .
          ,          --       ,  ,      .


        plug-in -- ()

        (HTML) frame -- ()

        Bookmark     ""     Mozilla .

        ""  ,      ()      "".            "".

               - (   )  "".

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