
Fixes, Qt5 port, include practice

  • loh.tar

    loh.tar - 2016-05-14

    Hello everyone and Loukas!

    I have spend some time to luckyBackup with small fixes in master branch.
    Furthermore a port to Qt5 in FixNotBroken branch where I also have done changes at your include practice. It compiles here on Arch Linux now with Qt4 and Qt5 but is pretty untested.

    Please let me know if some of these is welcome.

    Regards Lothar

  • Loukas Avgeriou

    Loukas Avgeriou - 2016-05-14

    Hi Lothar,

    thank you very much for your interest in LB and your work :)
    Of course I will gladly examine and test your fixes asap.


  • Loukas Avgeriou

    Loukas Avgeriou - 2016-05-15

    I'll start with an easy question :)
    the .png files inside the resources directory seem to have changed. Is that correct ?

    other than that, the code changes seem straightforward and I'll review them one by one.

    • loh.tar

      loh.tar - 2016-05-16

      the .png files inside the resources directory seem to have changed

      yes. Please read my comitlog for details

  • Loukas Avgeriou

    Loukas Avgeriou - 2016-05-23

    Hi Lothar, I finally managed to find some time and implement your changes.
    Thank you very much for your contribution :)

    Do you think you could check if it compiles at your system ?

  • Loukas Avgeriou

    Loukas Avgeriou - 2016-05-23

    it seems to build successfuly at most popular distros :)

  • loh.tar

    loh.tar - 2016-05-26

    I'm sorry but got no notification about your post.

    I have tried your rc1 and it still compiles with Qt4 but not Qt5. You missed to change FALSE->false.
    To keep the commitlog clean with only release notes looks nice but is not very useful ;-)

  • Loukas Avgeriou

    Loukas Avgeriou - 2016-05-27

    true, looks like all this inactivity has made my programming pretty rusty
    it should be ok now

  • loh.tar

    loh.tar - 2016-05-27

    it should be ok now

    Pretty nearly. To compile with Qt5 you has to change a line in src/RsyncDirModel_p.h

    -#include <qurlinfo.h>
    +#include "qurlinfo.h"

    Last edit: loh.tar 2016-06-01

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