
is it compatible with iMac (2011)?

  • heeroyuyj

    heeroyuyj - 2011-06-08

    i'm going to get a 27'' iMac and use windows on it

    is Lubbo Fan Control compatible with iMac?

  • Davide Ramo

    Davide Ramo - 2011-06-08

    Never tried, but I'm pretty sure it isn't.
    The configuration from MBP and iMac is different ...

    At the moment I've no time to spend on it ... if someone can help me on that


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-03-19

    I tried it on iMac Late 2006 intel and I think it was spinning the fans in the
    opposite direction because the temperature instead of going down it kept going
    up. I kept increasing the rpm and it kept going up. i couldn't get the temp to
    drop. I shut down after it increased to 55C

    Lubbo you should add a warning for iMac users so they don't try it.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-03-19

    Lubbo what type of help are you looking for?

  • Davide Ramo

    Davide Ramo - 2012-03-19

    Coding help :)

  • Davide Ramo

    Davide Ramo - 2012-03-19

    I need someone that can help coding.

  • jonathan

    jonathan - 2012-06-08

    HI I'm using it on an Imac from 2010 with Ati graphic card and i5, and seems
    to work, is cooling down.

  • trish

    trish - 2012-07-23

    Hey, I have iMac 2011 and it's working... ? I can hear the fans going and my
    computer has cooled down except now... I can hear my fans all the time. I
    don't know how to put it back to normal..... hmm. Anyway, here's a screen

  • Davide Ramo

    Davide Ramo - 2012-08-07

    Hi trishajam,

    Actually, to ensure the safest operations, when is impossible to read a
    temperature sensor, 90 °C is reported and the fan is then set to maximum
    This is your case.
    Try downloading the latest version 1.2.2 and follow the same actions suggested
    in this topic

    Please post here the result of the FanControlDebug as I can help you.



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